Eager off-roaders being cited by USFS officials in Tahoe basin

U.S. Forest Service law enforcement officers have observed widespread violations of road closures. In particular, officers have issued a number of warnings and citations for driving on Forest Road 1306, which leads to Camp Shelly and Camp Concord, off Highway 89 in the South Shore.

National Forest System roads in the Lake Tahoe Basin remain closed.

The LTBMU’s Motor Vehicle Use Map states the legal opening dates for each road. These dates, ranging from May 10 through June 1, represent the earliest the roads will open. If snowy or wet conditions persist, the Forest Service may extend the closure to protect the environment, as well as public safety.

Road closures help prevent soil erosion and sediment runoff and, in some cases, protect wildlife. They also help protect public safety – roads that are snow-free near the gate may be impassable at higher elevations.

For the most up-to-date information on which roads are open, contact the LTBMU’s front desk at (530) 543.2694.