LTN tidbit 20: News content is a group effort
May is 31 tidbits about Lake Tahoe News month.
LTN tidbit No. 20:
People often ask where we come up with story ideas and why we didn’t cover something.
You, the reader, provide so many of the ideas. Some stories are generated from meetings, just talking to people, being out in the community, localizing a national story, or going to an event.
And so much content is provided by readers in the form of letting us know about an event.
Lake Tahoe News is grateful to all of you for your ideas and the content you provide.
If we don’t know about something, we can’t cover it. That’s why we rely on you to tell us what is going on so we can tell everyone else.
But we can’t be everywhere. If money were of no issue, reporters could be dispatched to so many more events, meetings and other news events, as well as cover a plethora of feature stories. Unfortunately, this is a business and we don’t have the financial resources to be everywhere.
If you have an idea or want to have something published, send an email to and we’ll consider it.
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