LTN tidbit 4: Engage Lake Tahoe News through social media
May is 31 tidbits about Lake Tahoe News month.
LTN tidbit No. 4:
Lake Tahoe News is on Facebook and Twitter. Make sure it’s you are following because other entities out in the world of social media are saying they are Lake Tahoe News. Look for our logo and you will have found us.
Why bother following LTN on these outlets? Sometimes we re-Tweet things from those we follow – like last weekend we re-Tweeted about Heavenly closing and what Marco Sullivan said about Squaw’s last day.
With Facebook we are a bit more social at times. Sometimes we tease stories about what will be coming up on the next day.
Facebook and Twitter have all the locally generated stories from LTN, but not the stories produced elsewhere. This means FB and Twitter followers aren’t getting the full flavor of LTN.
Social media allows a different type of interaction with readers as well.
We’d like you to be part of all components of LTN, but understand if you have your preference – that’s why we try to be where you are.
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