LTWC begins rehabbing first bear cub of the season

Lake Tahoe Wildlife Care received its first cub of the season on Memorial Day. This is just two months after the last bear was released.

Weighing-in at 9.8 pounds, the little guy was given a physical by Kevin Willitts. Willitts, who owns Alpine Animal Hospital, is also the veterinarian for the South Shore animal rehab center. Willitts takes blood, checks the bear’s ears and extremities.

The bear was found in Humboldt County. He was rescued because his mom had died.

When the little guy woke up he was fed watermelon, grapes and a special bear formula.

Today he will be placed in a temporary cage until he graduates to the bear cage later in the summer. By that time it’s likely he will have playmates. It’s common for LTWC to rehab several bears in a season.

“More than likely, this cub will be released next January or February, back in the Humboldt area,” Tom Millham, secretary-treasurer with LTWC, told Lake Tahoe News.

— Lake Tahoe News staff report

Because his mom died this cub will spend the next eight months at Lake Tahoe Wildlife Care. Photos/LTWC


Kevin Willitts examines the cub that came to LTWC on May 28.