Opinion: Businesses must join the fight


By Michael Reagan

Sheep and chickens.

That’s what America’s greatest corporations have become.

Whether it’s in California or nationally, it’s the same sad story.

America’s best and biggest companies — the banks, the energy corporations, the computer giants — are refusing to stand up to the bully governments in Sacramento and D.C.

Michael Reagan

The men and women who run California’s corporations know that high taxes, over-spending, excessive regulations and foolish energy policies have turned the state from one of the best states to do business in to one of the worst.

But when bad law after bad law is passed in California, the corporations don’t fight back, they cower or run.

Their executives are afraid to speak up, or buy ad time, or join with those of us who are trying to reverse the death spiral of a state that’s been wrecked by four decades of Democrat misrule in Sacramento.

For example, I know that many business leaders support the “Citizen Legislature Act.” That’s the ballot initiative that, if it gets on the fall ballot, will give voters in California the chance to turn the state legislature into a part-time wrecking crew instead of a year-round one.

But many of the corporate execs in California are afraid to join the ballot initiative drive, which I chair, because they fear retaliation from Sacramento.

They have good cause to fear retaliation from the Democrats. But that’s no excuse not to fight for what they know is right. Fighting is the only way they’ll ultimately strip the Democrats of their power to retaliate.

We have the same problem nationally — a flock of corporate chickens.

Why is it that the only voices we hear fighting against Washington are talk radio and Fox News?

Where are Exxon and Apple and Ford and Wells Fargo? Why aren’t they standing up for what’s left of free enterprise in America?

Imagine if Microsoft or Verizon or even Facebook spent just a pittance of their profits to fight against those who are slowly strangling the system that made their financial success possible.

Why aren’t their CEOs pointing the finger of blame for our economic miseries where it belongs — at the Obama administration?

Why aren’t they blasting away at the liberals in Washington for their constant business bashing and attacks on the rich? They’re afraid of retaliation from Washington. But again, the solution isn’t to cower or run, it’s to fight.

Unfortunately, California’s sheepish companies would rather move to Nevada than stay and fight the Democrats in Sacramento. America’s chicken companies would rather move their operations overseas than stay and fight Washington.

It’s time corporations start standing up for themselves. Talk radio and Fox News’ 4 million viewers can’t save a bunch of sheep and chickens. No one can.

There’s a scene in the “Avengers” movie where the people are told to kneel down to show their subservience to their ruler. But one brave man stood up and said he refused to kneel any longer.

That’s what our businesses have to do if they are to survive. Get off their knees. Fight for what’s right. They’re not going to be saved by Captain America or Captain Romney or anyone else. They have to stand up and save themselves.

Michael Reagan, the eldest son of Ronald Reagan, is heard daily by more than 5 million listeners via his nationally syndicated talk radio program, “The Michael Reagan Show.”


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This article was written by admin


Comments (10)
  1. biggerpicture says - Posted: May 24, 2012

    Corporations portrayed as sheep and chickens? GET REAL! Corporations are the driving financial backers to a large majority of the lawmakers that Mr. Reagan is demonizing, and a major reason our society is obsessed with over consumption and a drive to spend more than we have or can afford, and have done nothing to our country but destroy our personal and national economy while lining their pockets! And he even goes on to praise Fox News for their so called “fight against Washington”. I would love to hear his brothers response to this opinion piece!

  2. Lisa says - Posted: May 24, 2012

    I am so tired of hearing about the poor large corporations who are so over taxed and over regulated… please tell me then how it is that corporate taxes are the lowest they have ever been and they are sitting on the largest amount of cash they ever have in history and the execs are making many times what they ever have. They are crying all the way to their summer homes Hamptons (or France or Italy) every summer. If I have to trust Fox news to “save” me, there is little left to be saved. I have a feeling I need to be saved FROM Fox news. His father would be ashamed of him.

  3. dumbfounded says - Posted: May 24, 2012

    What nonsense.

  4. Bob says - Posted: May 24, 2012

    I hate to say it Mike but you have it totally backwards. Calling Corporations sheep or chickens is completely the opposite of what I’d call them. Wolves! Corporations have America just where they want us – broke, and at their mercy. If you haven’t realized it by now, Corporations run this country and the world for that matter. The facade you see is just that – a facade. They are refusing to stand up to government because they would really be standing up to themselves – get it.

  5. John says - Posted: May 24, 2012

    Yes Bob, that makes sense, corporations make more money if people are broke. Brilliant.

  6. dumbfounded says - Posted: May 24, 2012

    No, John. Corporations make more money if they starve the working class into submission with their constant attack on wages. And reward themselves with huge bonuses and paychecks. They stifle creativity and step heavily on human rights. They consistently pressure the division of our country and the migration of jobs out of our country.

  7. John says - Posted: May 24, 2012

    Dumbfounded, so based on what you are writing then, when you need your toilet fixed you go out and find the most expensive plumber you can find right? Or are you a corporate demon who suppresses the working man?

  8. dumbfounded says - Posted: May 24, 2012

    If that is what you read, best of luck, you win.

  9. Local Yokle says - Posted: May 24, 2012

    This Opinion piece is pure propaganda.

    There is no evidence that lowering Corporate Tax rates changes Gross Domestic Production (GDP) –

    If Corporations want to help the process they should go back to producing good products and not gambling with the economy through false financial manipulation. Taxes are at historic low rates and exemptions are at their height and yet these same businesses are hoarding profits and not reinvesting in their own businesses. Further cuts will only expand their profits.

    The Government needs to take a note from business. When a business is in trouble the first things they do is make cuts and increase revenue where possible. California has made many cuts but done nothing to increase revenue. This needs to be a balanced equation and so far only cuts have been made. It is time to look at revenue increases for California.

    My Two Cents
    -Local Yokle

  10. Federal Tax Brackets says - Posted: May 28, 2012

    Female representative from Illinois presented progressive tax bill last year of course was shot down!! The millionaire tax is being reported incorrectlyI think it raises taxes after the first million earned ie the second million!!