Opinion: Fortier provides sweet dreams

To the community,

At 3am my muse shook me. She said, “Wake up.” I said, “Why? I’d rather sleep.” Again, she said, “Wake up. Claire’s leaving.”

“Claire, who?” I asked, still in semi-sleep.

“Look sleepy head, wake up, Claire Fortier, the mayor, is leaving,” my muse said.

Bill Crawford

“Oh,” I said, now awake.

So I asked, “Is this Fortier the same Fortier that filed as a candidate for the City Council in 2002?”

“Yes,” my muse replied.

“The same Fortier that after the ballot was printed and sent out dropped out of the race; screwing up the election with hundreds of votes that didn’t count?” I asked.

“You got it,” my muse said.

“Well, what about that?” I said.

“Yes, what about that?” my muse wondered out loud.

Then to myself I said – two out of two ain’t bad and went back to sleep — to sweet, sweet dreams.

Bill Crawford, South Lake Tahoe