Opinion: Proving there are effective alternative medicines

By Steve Kubby

Two weeks ago, I suffered a mysterious and traumatic onset of violent vomiting. The attack lasted for four days and left me with severe ribcage pains and an inability to take more than a half breath.

Apparently, the cartilage in my rib cage had been badly stretched by all the vomiting, creating an extraordinary level of discomfort. I could not sleep more than an hour and only then in a special position that did not push against my rib cage.

I conferred with my doctor, who diagnosed my issue as costochondritis, an inflammation of the ribs’ junctions to the breastbone or sternum that causes chest pain. No broken ribs, but because it was cartilage, I was told it would take much longer than a fractured rib to heal. Even worse, he diagnosed me with first stage pneumonia as a result of the restricted breathing in my left lung. I’ve had pneumonia three times in my life and each time I had to be hospitalized, so this new development really disturbed me. Worst of all, my cannabis had zero effect upon the illness and I had to endure constant pain and nausea the entire time.

Steve Kubby

Then, I remembered the non-psychoactive CBD lozenges being patented and developed by my biotech research company, KPAL, and decided to give them a try. I had no idea if they would work since smoked cannabis had already failed me.

Within a few hours my pain level went from intense to mild. I could actually sleep in a bed. My lungs, kidneys and bowels quickly returned to normal function. Since then, I’ve been steadily improving on one lozenge a day.

Just a few days after starting the CBD lozenges, I revisited my chiropractor, David Borges, who had examined me when my symptoms were still severe. Borges told me he was stunned by my amazing return to health.

In fact, as the scientific studies about marijuana accumulate, it’s getting harder to understand why CBD, otherwise known as cannabidiol, which is naturally found in marijuana, but can’t get you high, remains illicit. A growing library of data demonstrating the profound health benefits of CBD, including the ability to fend off cancerous tumors, prevent diabetes and epileptic seizures, protect nerve cells from degradation and ward off anxiety. However, it is as an anti-inflammatory that CBD is in a class of its own, because it has few side effects and is extremely powerful in reducing inflammation anywhere in the body.

The U.S. government is not only very aware of the lifesaving powers of CBD, it actually owns the patent. Instead of fast tracking the development of CBD medicines, they’ve taken it off the market and, even though it can’t get you high, the DEA lists CBD as Schedule One Controlled Substance, with “no medical benefits” and a “high potential for abuse”.

Steve Kubby is a resident of South Lake Tahoe and is CEO of Kubby Patents and Licenses (KPAL).