South Lake Tahoe council praises Kerry, but wants full search for next city manager
By Kathryn Reed
Spending more than $20,000 to find a city manager is clearly what the South Lake Tahoe City Council wants to do, even though the electeds agree an internal candidate is more than qualified to do the job.
The five sent conflicting messages to the public during the Tuesday afternoon presentation by four individuals who represent companies that could be hired as the headhunter to find the permanent replacement for Tony O’Rourke. (O’Rourke told the council he will be around for the two June meetings. Then he is off to do the same job in Yakima, Wash., having fulfilled less than two years of his three-year contract in South Lake Tahoe.)

The South Lake Tahoe City Council on May 15 appointed Nancy Kerry to be interim city manager when Tony O'Rourke leaves in a month. Photo/LTN
The mixed message is how they praised the internal candidate, saying how strong and qualified she is; then saying they want to look elsewhere – just in case someone better is out there. This all came after a presentation on the five-year budget that included how horrible the local economy is and how revenues for the city are stagnant at best.
Where the money will come from to pay the headhunter was not discussed.
The council is slated to pick one of the firms at a special May 29 5pm council meeting
The council on May 15 agreed to appoint Nancy Kerry interim city manager effective July 1. With the appointment comes a $2,000 month raise, which brings her annual salary to $141,240. Police-Fire Chief Brian Uhler, who will report to Kerry, makes a few thousand dollars more than her per year. O’Rourke makes $175,000 a year.
In the contract with Kerry, the council agreed if the electeds pick someone else for the job, she would return to the assistant city manager position with a contract of at least one year.
Kerry told Lake Tahoe News she definitely intends to apply for the city manager position.
When it came to the headhunters, all were asked how the process would go with an internal candidate in the mix who is respected and that day was appointed to be interim city manager.
First up was Bob Murray of Bob Murray & Associates. He is the man who recruited the last three city managers.
Second was Phil McKenny of Peckham & McKenney.
“If you have a strong internal candidate, hire her,” McKenney advised the council. “If it doesn’t work, call me in six months.”
Bob Neher, with Neher & Associates, told the council that while most searches take three to four months, he would strive to do it sooner so there was not much lag time between O’Rourke’s departure and the hiring of the next city manager.
Heather Renschler of Ralph Andersen & Associates said having a strong internal candidate “could change the composition of the pool.”
No matter who is hired as city manager, that person will not be hiring the finance director. O’Rourke is expected to choose one of the two out-of-town finalists before he leaves. That person will replace Christine Vuletich, who left earlier this year for Douglas County.
1)The money to pay a headhunter should come from the a forfeiture of money from O’Rourke’s contract.
2)I like Phil McKenny’s suggestion. Save the $20K now to spend if Nancy doesn’t work out.
3)O’Rourke has resigned, don’t allow him to make any selection of the finance director. Turn it over to Nancy.
After watching the council meeting on line its clear this group does not know what they are doing. Cole admitted he was flip flopping on the sign ordinance, Grego thinks skateboards have metal wheels (yes in the 1970s they did, maybe the 60’s)and that kids use the wheels when they grind versus the board, grego wants to give the profit on a piece of property private owners gave back to the city willingly (last i looked the city council is not real estate brokers or financial consultants plus we are short of cash), the fire cheif wants to burn the structure down for training and swanson feels we dont have the money to pay for the clean up and now the kerry thing. She is qualified but we want to spend $20k looking. Then there are Davis’s ill-timed wisecracks and poor jokes.
And we should have confidence in this group hiring a city manager? Especially with two coming up for re-election and those two were cited for acting unethically by a grand jury. Really! What novel are we reading here? Its certainly not reality. No wonder confidence in elected offials is below 18%. Get rid of anyone running for re-election. Anyone!
“If you have a strong internal candidate, hire her,” McKenney advised the council. “If it doesn’t work, call me in six months.”
Excellent, free advice from one of the recruiters. Operative word being: free.
I agree with McKenney as well. Also why is O Rourke chosen to choose the new finance director? I didn’t see the new 5 yr plan but hopefully it included numbers showing revenue from property taxes is going down not up. Living in a dream world is not going to help this town. Council throws $20000 away like it’s nothing. Maybe they should be the ones to devy up $4000 a piece to pay for the new CM search. Give Kerry a chance.
KAY Your headline gave me vicarial feeling that Miller Time was back.
Kerry be ok,I mean how much did any the others do,thought she handled the snow fest complaners fine,plus she sure better lookking than the rest those know it alls, got class.
Why waste another 20.000? That fix a few pot holes.
She’s awful. Nobody likes, or more importantly respects her, in the organization except Tony O and her husband. It’s kinda fun to sit back and watch as things fall apart. Good job. But to quote one of them “Things will be ok”. This the their rendering of ok? Time to gather the kids and leave for more better climes and a real sense of community.
This job is far from brain science. Give her, a chance. Expand the pay scale, from 80 to 150 grand and let her or whoever prove their worth.
Let Nancy do the job for the next 6 months and when the new council is elected let them and a select group of locals evaluate how she has done in her new position . Than and only than either hire her Fulltime or spend the money for a headhunter.
Mr. Ervin:
My sentiments exactly.