South Tahoe mayor likely won’t finish term on council


By Kathryn Reed

Claire Fortier will reportedly not be finishing her term on the South Lake Tahoe City Council. Her partner, Maria Pielaet, has been offered a job in Washington to run the medical clinic for Microsoft.

Fortier did not want to talk much with Lake Tahoe News about what this means.

“I’m not comfortable addressing the issue until Maria has a contract signed,” Fortier said.

Claire Fortier

While Fortier would not say what her plans are, the buzz at city hall is she wants to stay until her term as mayor is up. She has told people she will be resigning in the middle of her four-year term.

Fortier was elected to the council in November 2010. Her term expires in December 2014. Her term as mayor is over in the fall. The council votes among themselves as to who will be mayor and mayor pro tem, with each being a one-year stint, though people can be voted in consecutive or multiple years.

Mayor Pro Tem Tom Davis said Fortier had not spoken to him about her plans.

As the city ordinance is now, a council member’s position is not considered vacated until they actually leave. So, if Fortier were to stay until her term as mayor is up, the council in December would either appoint someone to fill the two remaining years or a special election would be called. The first scenario means the public has no say in 20 percent of the representation on the council, the latter scenario means the taxpayers pay for Fortier’s desire to hang onto the title of mayor.

Because the city ordinance mirrors state law the process for appointment or election cannot be changed at the local level.

The process is that the remaining council members must decide within 60 days of a council position being vacated whether to appoint someone or to call for an election. There are three specified dates in 2013 when an election could occur — March 5, June 4, Nov. 5. The election cannot occur less than 114 days from the date it is called. So, if Fortier stays until December, the soonest there could be an election to fill that vacated seat is June 4, 2013.

On the Nov. 6 ballot will be the council positions now held by Hal Cole and Bruce Grego. Cole has not decided if he will be running for another term, while Grego is ready to hit the campaign trail.

Besides the council position, Fortier is the city’s rep on the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency Governing Board. That agency is in the midst of approving a Regional Plan update, which is expected to be voted on in December. How having a lame duck member would affect that process is not known.

“There is no impact to the current makeup of the TRPA Governing Board until the city makes a change,” Julie Regan, spokeswoman with TRPA, told Lake Tahoe News. “Mayor Fortier is very engaged in the Regional Plan update and other matters, and we would not expect any departure from that.”

The city is also in the throes of dealing with the need to hire a city manager, so Fortier may be in town making important decisions about issues and people she will not have to be held accountable to or for.




About author

This article was written by admin


Comments (26)
  1. Hang Ups From Way Back says - Posted: May 17, 2012

    “I’m not comfortable addressing the issue until Maria has a contract signed,” Fortier said.

    “Then Burn the Bridge!”

  2. dryclean says - Posted: May 17, 2012

    I hope she stays for the balance of the year and assists in making some of these critical decisions. We need someone who makes judgements that are in the best interest of the city.

  3. 22 year South Lake Tahoe resident says - Posted: May 17, 2012

    We all have to do what we have to do. It’s unfortunate for SLT to possibly lose the BEST Mayor the town has ever had. Claire and Tony will be missed if they go. These 2 are the only City reps that have made clear, positive, tough choices and changes for the betterment of SLT in a long time. Thank you Tony and Claire for making a difference. Your service is appreciated.

  4. Citizen Kane says - Posted: May 17, 2012

    I am not exactly enamored with the local political scene, but this article insinuates that if someone leaves an elected position they should give no notice? Political office holders are always fasced with “lame-duck+ decisions so to speak – this isnt a scandal?

  5. Another X Local says - Posted: May 17, 2012

    All of us have to make choices based on our family/personal situation. Yes, she needs to make a DECISION on her own & then give appropriate notice if she chooses to follow her partner. Too bad that the City may have to deal with multiple vacancies. In the meantime, she should recuse herself from any decisions that have a long-term effect as she would not be accountable if she leaves.

  6. Eric Taxer says - Posted: May 17, 2012

    So by that logic, any council person who’s term is up and is not seeking re-election should recuse themselves from all decisions since they would not be held accountable?


  7. Steve says - Posted: May 17, 2012

    Why don’t they send one of the other council members to Washington instead? I could name names but won’t.

  8. dryclean says - Posted: May 17, 2012

    Steve, you need to name names. The people who read this blog need to hear why certain council members should be moving on. If more people spoke up, supported by facts, maybe we would not be voting the same people in time and again.
    Love Taxer’s comment. Very right on.

  9. Eric Taxer says - Posted: May 17, 2012

    Claire Fortier has performed admirably in raising the bar in our community. She has single-handedly earned the respect from both the California and Nevada legislative and governor offices, thereby earning the City of South Lake Tahoe a spot at the table in discussing budget allocations and priorities for the TRPA. She has persistently called the League to Save Lake Tahoe on the carpet for the rationale behind their efforts to stymie redevelopment in our community, and her efforts most likely were instrumental in affecting a leadership change in that organization. She has educated herself on the Lake Tahoe TMDL and the TRPA Regional Plan Update for the sole purpose of communicating our community’s concerns and ensuring that our community does not become adversely impacted from the implementation of these programs.

    And Claire has nothing to personally gain from these efforts. She does not own a business that may be impacted. She only wants what’s best for the community.

    What’s sad is that Claire and her partner obviously are in the midst of working out their future plans. What’s alarming is that such personal discussions would become a matter of public discourse without those plans being finalized. What does this say about the integrity of this story and those who contributed to it when someone with integrity is being called into question regarding personal family matters?

  10. honesttahoe says - Posted: May 17, 2012

    Perhaps the leak came from the city offices.

  11. Katy Anderson says - Posted: May 17, 2012

    I would have to say as a person who watches the council meetings, Claire is not effective. But I also know so much goes on behind the scenes. So, I don’t know if here ineffectiveness is everywhere or just when the spotlight is on her.

    Claire’s problem is that she let people know what was happening before she had her ducks in a row. As a former journalist, she knew this would get out. Maybe that’s just what she wanted.

  12. Cramer says - Posted: May 17, 2012

    “Fortier may be in town making important decisions about issues and people she will not have to be held accountable to or for.”

    Is it necessary for the reporter to plug in her own negative spin by creating a seed of doubt to the readers. The statement implies that our mayor may not care about the decisions she makes because she wont have to be accountable IF and when she needs to depart?

    Anyone who has spent time with Claire will agree that this woman is sincere in her caring for the people of this town and acutely aware how poor decisions of the past have impacted this city. I am confident that she will continue to thoughtfully make the best possible decisions with the information available to her during her time as mayor. Her kids grew up here, she has life long friends here…
    She is not a fly by night resident who was looking for the next best salary. She deserves more respect then that.

  13. curious says - Posted: May 17, 2012

    Name a good decision she has made.

    Good people can make bad politicians.

  14. 4-mer-usmc says - Posted: May 17, 2012

    A minimum of two City Councilmember seats are up for grabs at this November’s election. I think that individuals who are so vehemently critical of those who serve on the Council and/or complain that it’s frequently the same people who serve should just run for office. Start right now sharing with the community how you’ll do a better job, be a better politician, make better decisions, and how you’ll “fix” all the City’s problems. Share your suggestions with the voting public and give them a chance to vote for you and your ideas. All the inevitable scrutiny and destructive criticism shouldn’t present too large a problem, should it?

  15. k9woods says - Posted: May 17, 2012

    This is neither a scandal or inappropriate. Personal family choices are just that and never easy. It is unfortunate that the city has and will have so many key losses so close together.

  16. Eric Taxer says - Posted: May 17, 2012

    @Curious –
    I challenge you to sit on the TRPA Governing Board and grapple with the issues as well as Claire has. When did you last sit before the California legislative budget committee and fight for your community’s best interest? I would venture to say, “Never.” Oh, and when was the last time a governor personally called you to represent your community’s interest in an Olympic formation committee. Again, “Never?”


    @Katy Anderson (if that is truly your name) – you apparently attend quite a few council meetings. Please detail how Claire is ineffective. Given all she has accomplished, perhaps what you are truly observing is the political posturing of other council members. We certainly see such posturing at the state and national level. Given the tenor of this blog, such posturing at the local level is not so surprising.

  17. Katy Anderson says - Posted: May 17, 2012


    It’s great you are such a good friend to Claire. We all should have someone in our corner like you. But that clouds your perspective. Claire is part of the political posturing problem with the council — though, not alone in that problem.

    Have you thought about why the other four don’t really get along well with her?

    I’m not sure what you put “the tenor of this blog” when we all have a right to our opinions. We should be allowed to disagree.

    Claire does not run effective meetings. Her visible dislike for things is evident through her tone and facial expressions — thus giving the appearance of having made up her mind before a vote is taken, and the impression of judgment.

    Why, Eric, are you making this about me?

    I don’t want to be called by any governor for any reason. And if were mayor, I would expect that to be part of the job, not something to have a friend gloat over. Don’t you get it — you sound like Claire. It is about her and not the city or the greater South Shore community.

  18. Eric Taxer says - Posted: May 17, 2012

    Gosh, Katy –
    I didn’t make this about you. And, I never mentioned my level of friendship with Clair in my responses. However, the information in your response is quite similar to emails I received specifically from the author of this article. So again, I question the overall integrity and intent of this article.

  19. admin says - Posted: May 17, 2012


    Please don’t drag me into the comments. I’m not Katy.

    Two people who don’t know each other (I don’t know Katy) can have similar opinions — though I’m not saying I share her opinions — you said that. Others have shared your sentiments. Your logic would have us believing you might be someone else on this discussion board.

    Kathryn Reed, LTN publisher

  20. Eric Taxer says - Posted: May 17, 2012

    No. Anyone who truly knows me also knows I speak my mind without the influence of others (and much to the chagrin of others). Heaven knows there’s plenty of folks in town to attest to that. LOL

  21. Mike Ervin says - Posted: May 17, 2012

    If Claire leaves she will be missed unlike Tony O who wont be. To the city council dont spend a lot of money on a search for O’Roarkes replacement , Nancy Kerry will do just fine. Maybe the toughest hit is losing another good Dr. Good luck to Maria and Claire.

  22. Alex Campbell says - Posted: May 18, 2012

    So far no comments on Appointment vs Election.

    The fix and or repair is obveious ! Election will cost money. Ah-so who will be advising Cole and Davis on the choice of the the year.
    Any suggestion’s ?

  23. X LOCAL says - Posted: May 18, 2012

    On the Nov. 6 ballot will be the council positions now held by Hal Cole and Bruce Grego. Cole has not decided if he will be running for another term, while Grego is ready to hit the campaign trail.

    This will be a chance for the voting residents to have a voice. more of the same failed policies and decisions or elect 2 new members to the Council and hold them accountable for there promises.

    It’s your decision, SINK OR SWIM !

  24. Sunriser2 says - Posted: May 18, 2012

    Strange how many people who are insiders looking at the budget take early retirement or leave??

    Two city managers, sheriff, police chief, city attorney, fire chiefs, finance director, city council members…..,etc.

  25. 30 yrs in says - Posted: May 19, 2012

    Buh bye!

  26. Bill Swim says - Posted: May 20, 2012

    I’m not a big fan of Claire’s, I do belive she did what she thought was best in her opinion. I do wish her and her life partner all the best! I hope she enjoyed the city paid trip to San Francisco for the Mayor’s for gay marrage conference.