STHS students plant rare yellow cress on shore of Tahoe

Nine South Tahoe High students, three scientists and one conservation coordinator spent part of Saturday planting 300 yellow cress on the beach at Edgewood Tahoe.

Edgewood Companies is participating in a volunteer program called the Tahoe Yellow Cress Stewardship Program and has been assisting with inventory surveys since 1979.

Tyler Meyers and Jocelyn DeLeon on May 19 plant yellow cress. Photo/Provided

The endangered plant only grows in Lake Tahoe.

The students — Leighton Cook, Jocelyn DeLeon, Tyler Meyers, Sam Burba, Nicholas Brogna, Kayla Owens, Larissa Gloutak, Jera Barney, and Rebecca Wesson – are part of Generation Green Club,