Threatening phone call leads to search of Stateline casino

All the commotion May 30 at the Horizon casino was because a front desk clerk received a call from a man who said he was going to shoot himself because his girlfriend had discovered naked pictures of him with children.

“Our deputies responded and checked all the occupied rooms at the hotel just to make sure the guy wasn’t calling from inside the hotel while using a personal cell phone. There are currently only 28 rooms occupied in the hotel, and all occupants of those rooms checked OK,” Douglas County sheriff’s Sgt. Jim Halsey told Lake Tahoe News.

It is unknown what telephone number the call was made from because caller ID reads “outside line” at the Stateline casino.

“There is no telling where this guy was calling from since he never stated he was at the Horizon. Also there’s no telling if it was valid call or a hoax,” Halsey said.

— Lake Tahoe News staff report