El Dorado County supe wants better cooperation with state, feds


By Carlos Alcalá, Sacramento Bee

El Dorado County Supervisor Ray Nutting is hoping his county can wield the word “coordination” like David wielded his slingshot.

Nutting has been frustrated with decisions from the big guys – the state and federal government.

The state has curbed dredge mining in the creeks of his county – the very name of which suggests gold – and imposed fire protection fees that he has likened to illegal taxes.

The federal government has closed popular off-road vehicle routes and limited grazing on federal lands, decisions he feels hurt the economy.

By invoking a concept known as “coordination,” Nutting expects the county can get higher authorities to come to the table as equals before they make decisions that affect El Dorado County.

He is asking his fellow supervisors Tuesday to approve an advisory committee to help “coordinate activity to assure consistency with our local plans and policies as required by congressional mandate.”

Advocates – including an Idaho group called Trademark America – say “coordination” is covered under federal rules and requires authorities to coordinate their plans with agencies on a local level.

“This is not fighting the federal government,” Nutting said. “We’re not forcing it, it’s the law.”

There are disagreements, though, on what that law requires.

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Comments (7)
  1. PubWorksTV says - Posted: June 11, 2012

    We’ve lost so much freedom under Obama. He will go down as Americas worst Pres.

  2. 30yrlocal says - Posted: June 11, 2012

    Exactly what “freedoms” have you lost under Obama? Why is he the “worst”? He took over a downward spiraling disaster and did what he could to right all of the wrongs cause by the regime of the previous 8 years. Yes, its been hard and slow, but you can’t change massive catastrophe in a blink of an eye.

    Republicans and others say they want less government control yet they look to the government to solve their problems.

  3. PubworksTV says - Posted: June 11, 2012


    I’m on a cell phone so the grammer and spelling might be off. Sorry in advance.

    you seem to forget Obama was part of the Democrtic senate which blocked reforms of Freddy and Fanny. Also BTW it still hasn’t passed a budget since he was there which is the law. Talk about what is wrong with America. No budget for years now. What’s up with that?

    to blame the economy soley on republicans is just wrong. As is not true. Naive in fact.

    As far as Obama being recognized as the worst, well time will tell and I stand by my prediction

  4. Old Long Skiis says - Posted: June 11, 2012

    I have to say GW Bush wins the prize for worst president ever hands down, as well as his whole administration for all the lies and corrupton that they thrust upon not only this country but the entire world!
    Two wars stated on lies,tax loopholes for the wealthiest of corporations,( I pay more in taxes than Exxon,Citicroup, Boeing,Bank of America, etc. etc. combinded, and I’m retired!).The patriot act, now there’s a doozy. Turning a surplus from the Clinton era into a huge defecit in the 8 years that he held office. Torturing people held indefinetly with no charges and no trial, cutting funding for education and a bunch of social services.The list is long of what bush and his cronies did to this country.
    Obama is working hard to try and get this country back on it’s feet with the republicans blocking him every step of the way. The tea party backed politicians emboldened by their recent victories aren’t afraid to admit that they want Obama to fail and if that means destroying the economy and this country, well they’re all for it.
    To coin an old phrase, “Put that in your pipe and smoke it”
    Take care, Old Long Skiis

  5. Old Long Skiis says - Posted: June 11, 2012

    Just caught several misspelings in my earlier rant about bush and co. As I said about Dave Bartholomew,I should have paid more attention in my english class.Duh!

  6. Pubworkstv says - Posted: June 11, 2012

    Old Long Skiis

    I predict that history will hold a different view of GW

    As people look back to the vicious years of liberals Bush Lied but never produced one bit of evidence to support that claim. People will start to realize how wrongly he was demonized.

    As with Ronny R. History will point to the foolishness of the generations of sheeple the bought the liberal rant.

    The future will be on my side of the argument.

    Obama will be hands down worse the Carter. Therefor worst ever

    At least the prize stays in the same lame party

  7. Alex Campbell says - Posted: June 11, 2012

    Why bother ?