K’s Kitchen: Spicy concoction comes with mixed reactions

By Kathryn Reed

A warning came with the food – have a glass of water nearby. The warning was not heeded. Next time Sue will know I’m serious.

And to think she only tasted one green bean.

I’m the one in the household who likes hot and spicy and this dish had my nose running. But for whatever reason the next day it was not as hot. Good thing for everyone.

One way to lessen the fire would be to use a mix of chili oil and some other oil.

I used veggies from Tuesday’s farmers’ market in South Lake Tahoe. Eating what’s in season is the healthiest way to eat. It means the product has not been trucked or shipped in from some foreign country. Even our bodies work better when we eat foods in season.

The carrots are so sweet I’m lucky any ended up in the stir fry. They are almost like candy. I did manage to save a couple to add to a green salad. (The greens were also bought at the market and the cherry tomatoes for the salad came from my friend’s CSA box.)

The veggies I used were carrots, green beans and red onion. But use what you have. Garlic is also available at the farmers’ market.

Super Hot Stir Fry

3 T hot chili oil

4 garlic cloves, minced

¼ tsp kosher salt

1 T sesame seeds

2 T soy sauce

Coat wok or other appropriate pan that is on high heat with oil. Add vegetables. Stir. Add next four ingredients in order. Keep stirring. Sample a veggie or two to know it’s done.

Serve with rice (and water).