Loop road relocation plan to be released Tuesday


The draft Relocation Study pertaining to the loop road project will be available June 5.

People will have until 5pm July 6 to comment on the proposal.

The overall projects involved realigning the highway on the Nevada side from the intersection at Lake Parkway on the mountain side behind MontBleu and Harrah’s, then into California behind Heavenly Village, Village Center, and then creating a new alignment between Fern and Echo roads before rejoining Highway 50.

This would be four-lane highway.

The document being released Tuesday is supposed to outline how the affected properties – residential and commercial – would be moved elsewhere in South Lake Tahoe.

Copies of the relocation plan will be available at the TTD office, which is in the same building at the TRPA in Stateline – 128 Market St., Ste. 3F. Or call Alfred Knotts for a copy – (775) 589.5502.

Comments on the relocation plan may be submitted to or P.O. Box 499, Zephyr Cove, NV 89448.

Tahoe Transportation District is the lead agency of the entire project.



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Comments (18)
  1. Mike McKeen says - Posted: June 4, 2012

    Projected loop road cost is $65 million, one half or $32.5 million to be allocated for relocation. Total affected properties reported to be 88. Simple math- approximately $369,000 per property plus still have tenants and businesses to take care of! Plan that takes business to NV and may not compensate all CA owners fairly. There is a serious problem here.

  2. JoAnn Conner says - Posted: June 4, 2012

    The South Tahoe Chamber of Commerce does not see the value in destroying California business to benefit Nevada. We continue to stand with our members and residents of the community to oppose this plan.

  3. dryclean says - Posted: June 4, 2012

    Mike, there is a number you will relocate for. Be patient and let this play out and you might find yourself very happy in the end. Keep going to the meetings, keep making comments, keep making suggestions, and keep reminding them that you need to be treated fairly.

  4. JoAnn Conner says - Posted: June 4, 2012

    Dryclean: there is more to this than one business. There would be NO compensation for people like Pete at Holiday Inn who would no longer have a clear highway access to his property. There would be NO compensation for the businesses in the Village Center who would have to move or erect new signage and all that entails, not to mention figure out better access.Motels behind the main strip have also expressed concern to us as the road would make it even harder for people to find them. Many locals are also upset that the Loop Road was originally planned as an alternate to traffic jams in the casino corridor. Locals still have to get to work, etc. and when that corridor is jammed up (New Year’s, 4th of July, and unfortunately, very few other times now),that road was supposed to be an alternate for emergency vehicles and locals alike. Why turn it into a four lane road?

  5. JoAnn Conner says - Posted: June 4, 2012

    One more thought – there has been NO compensation even suggested for the employees who would lose their jobs.The compensation suggested for those who would lose homes is minimal, and nothing has been truly offered to those who rent and would have to find other, affordable housing. We need to take care of our own.

  6. Sunriser2 says - Posted: June 4, 2012

    How come after thirty years of planning a decision needs to be made in thirty days?

  7. Hang Ups From Way Back says - Posted: June 4, 2012

    Edgewood, Land of the Big Spenders WANT GET THEIR DEAL A GOING Warp Speed.
    Traffic study,permits, the EPA impact report,Grease the trpa,high denstiny jackpot Bells ,Whistles.
    Get it?
    Nevada wonders about their bundles, while California fumbles, about their blunders.

  8. dryclean says - Posted: June 4, 2012

    Joanne, nothing has been offered because they are still in the discovery stage. If they want this loop road bad enough they will pay folks what they want. They will also need to figure out how to keep traffic coming to the retailers and places like Holiday Inn.
    Joanne, you should know that since eminant domain is not in play that the TTD will have to pay up. Again, every business owner has a price…thats why they are in business…to make $$. As to the renters, give them an equitable location and a bunch of months rent for free and they will move too.

  9. JoAnn Conner says - Posted: June 4, 2012

    Dryclean, some of it has been offered; watch the City Council meeting and hear the testimony please. The business owners have a right to be concerned. You should know that when you relocate a business, you lose a percentage of your customer base. And we find it hard to be blase about the renters – they are not being offered anything, and you also need to factor in where they will live, how much they may have to pay in increased rent over the long haul, and how far away from work they will be and what will that involve for transportation. Anyway you look at it – California business and residents will suffer to benefit Nevada business. Not a good plan in our eyes.

  10. lou pierini says - Posted: June 4, 2012

    Phone # listed above is a recording. I left message no return call yet. Real cost about 125 million in todays $.

  11. Steve says - Posted: June 4, 2012

    What an incredible waste of taxpayers’ money.

  12. Careaboutthecommunity says - Posted: June 4, 2012

    Are these meetings just to let people vent, and they are going to do what they want, no matter what anyone else wants?

    Seems like they are just bulldozing over anyone who opposes their plan.

    I don’t even see how this will benefit anyone, but the contractors from out of the area, that will make money off it.

  13. Chief Slowroller says - Posted: June 5, 2012


    mow down the Moss road neighbor hood

    where are the Casinos going to get the money to remodel the strip?

    the Casinos are not making the money
    that they use to make

    $100.00 says it will be another HOLE in the Ground

  14. Citizen Kane says - Posted: June 5, 2012

    A thought? Locals already know they can bypass the casino corridor suing a few residential streets and the road behind Harrahs and Mt Blue. Visitors, we assume, we want to use the commercial area between Pioneer and Kahle Drive. So, we already have a loop road of sorts for the folks that want to by pass the casino corridor, so why would we bypass the folks we supposedly want to see and use the commercial corridor?
    Creating pedestrian zones is a good idea, but redevelopment at Stateline has already concentrated foot traffic between the Marriot and Mt Blue and reduced use at Crescent V Center – so why would anyone in CA support a road re-alignment (and pay for it) that will just increase that concentration of use.

  15. Steven J. says - Posted: June 5, 2012

    The money that Nevada and California want to use for this project should be spent on the worn out roads on our city streets. The cracks are getting bigger and the roads are a rough ride. You know when I look at the big hole from above, I swear it is getting bigger too!

  16. earl zitts says - Posted: June 5, 2012

    Nevada has been taking advantage of the CA’s south shore forever. Why should the avaricious Nevadans stop now with their pillaging of CA’s south shore.
    How many CA residents work for low wages in Nevada, while CA pays for the schools, welfare, and medical care? Does anyone know or care why CA has to be
    a victim again?

  17. dumbfounded says - Posted: June 5, 2012

    Right on, Earl. The CA taxpayer has been paying for the low-wage employees at the casinos entirely too long. NV has taken advantage of CA taxpayers since the casinos were built. Why should we pay for better access to the NV casinos and damage CA business at the same time?

  18. TheTruth says - Posted: June 5, 2012

    Before the City of South Lake Tahoe provides another subsidy to the Nevada side, Douglas County and the casinos should contribute to the large subsidy we pay to keep the airport open for casino high-rollers. Every plane that take off or lands takes money away from road maintenance and our police force and fire departments. It’s time for our city to insist that the Nevada side pay their way.