Opinion: Ideas for the ice rink and a S. Tahoe event

To the community,

Two items that might be of interest:

First, after I left the City Council, I met with City Manager (Tony) O’Rourke two or three times. At one of the meetings, he told me about the plan to privatize the ice rink. He said the contractor wanted a 10-year contract. I said I favored a five-year contract for openers. Mr. O’Rourke said that a 10-year contract was needed because of the capital improvements that the contractor had in mind. I said, OK, but if privatizing doesn’t work, I suggested the ice rink be turned into a city hall. It is, I said, an ideal location with parking, etc. Mr. O’Rourke, as I recall, agreed it’s a good location.

Bill Crawford

Second, several weeks ago I suggested to the city an idea for a special event. I thought a film festival of the movies based on several of John Steinbeck’s novels would be a natural because Steinbeck for a time lived at Fallen Leaf Lake. Steinbeck was quoted as having said that Henry Fonda’s performance in “The Grapes of Wrath” got him, Steinbeck believing his own words. With what’s going on these days, we need to again hear those words. The city did listen to my idea, and there has been some feedback. But lately it’s pretty quiet.

Perhaps in July things will pick up in the city.

Bill Crawford, South Lake Tahoe

PS: In Steinbeck’s “The Red Pony” Tahoe is mentioned.