S. Tahoe council disagrees on eminent domain for loop road


By Kathryn Reed

Just as the South Lake Tahoe City Council appeared to be on the same page regarding how to approach the divisive loop road project, bickering and stubbornness took hold.

All five agree a letter needs to be written to the Tahoe Transportation District with strong language encouraging that bi-state agency to investigate more than one proposal for the loop road.

It is highly unusual for an environmental impact report or environmental impact study (both are being done) to delve into just one idea. While a preferred alternative is common, usually the document looks into more than one plan.

Not so when it comes to the loop road.

The project would reroute Highway 50 in South Lake Tahoe to go through standing businesses and residences in South Lake Tahoe, then behind Harrah’s and MontBleu in Stateline.

Highway 50 from about where it intersects with Pioneer Trail on the north side of town would become a city street through the casino corridor.

Perhaps because the discussion started negatively June 19 with Mayor Claire Fortier wondering why the item was even on the agenda it should not have come as a surprise that Councilman Tom Davis would not budge on his motion.

The motion called for more alternatives to be studied, acknowledgement the current council would not use eminent domain, and the request that an independent economic study be conducted.

The vote was 3-2 with Fortier and Councilwoman Angela Swanson in the minority. These two don’t want to lock the city into saying no to eminent domain when it’s possible an alternative for the loop road the council likes could require that taking of property.

Fortier and Swanson went so far as to say they will not sign the letter.

The juvenile banter returned at that point after what had been a fairly professional discussion. Davis said he might want to withdraw his name from letters he didn’t agree with. Fortier said the issue will become a political point of contention in the November council race. (Bruce Grego and Hal Cole’s seats are up.) Grego said maybe the voters should be asked to make the decision on the loop road. (He has clients with property in the area who could be affected if the current proposal goes through, but has yet to recuse himself from any of the discussions.)

Fourteen members of the public spoke at Tuesday’s meeting before the bickering council members deliberated. Another 16 letters were part of the day’s record, too.

The loop road will be on the July 3 agenda for the council to talk about commenting on the draft relocation plan. Comments will be due a week later.

City staff told the council that the document lacks specifics, especially when it comes to businesses, and really just meets the basic requirements of federal law. Still, the relocation of people and businesses are the main sticking points with locals, and is what’s at the heart of the eminent domain discussion.

In the end, it really doesn’t matter what the city says or thinks, the TTD board — of which Swanson is a member — can do what it wants. That board is expected at its July 20 meeting to discuss looking at more alternatives. Swanson will be absent and her alternate, Grego, will be city’s rep. However, TTD does not have eminent domain authority; the city and Caltrans do.



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Comments (17)
  1. Bill Swim says - Posted: June 20, 2012

    Put it on the ballot in November. Let the voters decide for a change. The “HOLE WOUND” hasn’t healed yet!

  2. Steve says - Posted: June 20, 2012

    Put it on the ballot. Let the citizens and taxpayers make the decision, then nobody can argue about it or cast blame later.

    If the convention center had been put on the ballot, this debacle would likely have never happened, as the city’s own poll indicated citizens were against it beforehand.

  3. Julie Threewit says - Posted: June 20, 2012

    Here we go again …..

  4. Bob says - Posted: June 20, 2012

    Until the hole in the ground issue is resolved I would put this on hold.

  5. John says - Posted: June 20, 2012

    Bob, why is any project contingent on another. That makes no sense. The city has nothing to do with the hole.

  6. Shenja lanz says - Posted: June 20, 2012

    It seems ridiculous to me to move forward with a plan to build a loop road around an unfinished hole in the ground!

  7. dryclean says - Posted: June 20, 2012

    Here is my frustration…if Swanson is on the TTD board hasn’t she shared with other council members that there is only one option on the table. If so, hasn’t Davis, Grego and Cole been listening?
    This should not be any suprise. Its obvious that this council is not working well together.
    The council should have been in front of the TTD two months ago or earlier. Now we have a big pissing match instead of a chance to move this city forward.

  8. tahoeadvocate says - Posted: June 20, 2012

    In 2003 a study was performed which investigated 4 options. It was led by the TRPA if I remember correctly and published in 2004. They selected Option D which had the least enviornmental impact to the lake. This route is included in the Mobility 2035 as the US 50 South Shore Community Revitalization Project and TTD is assigned the lead. The City Council has been aware of this for years. Why hasn’t the council done anything before now? They now seem to be asking another agency to spend their money which they don’t have the authority to do. Are they just firing for effect in campaign mode for the Fall election?

  9. Hang Ups From Way Back says - Posted: June 20, 2012

    Another Saturday night live brought to you by,Hole Town.
    When you got a mole with a big hole,fill it with doe!

    We have great brilliance in our Political Tahoe South Dept….


  10. Michael Lee says - Posted: June 20, 2012

    Put it on a ballot. No to loop road

  11. Mike Ervin says - Posted: June 20, 2012

    No to the loop road leave it as it is now, No more taking people’s business and homes, and YES put it on the Ballot for Nov. Why is this so difficult for our Council Members to understand. And again we have our resident Lawyer Mr. Grego who has clients who are in the middle of city business. Can We Hear A Big Conflict of Interest, he needs to be out of anything that involves his business. Hole in the Ground and Loop Road, and any Candidate with ties to one of our Corporate Companies in town, spell campaign 2012 . Ive got my hat in my hand and Im almost ready to toss it in the Ring Ive lived here 34 yrs and Im tired of my town being messed up by the goood old boy network , TPTB in the Casino’s and Ski Resorts and TPRA and of course good old Nevada.

  12. Mike Ervin says - Posted: June 20, 2012

    TRPA sorry i dont have spell check

  13. tahoeadvocate says - Posted: June 20, 2012

    I listened to the Council meeting on line and heard one of the affected property owners say the TTD was working with her to replace her property before they tore down the exiting apartments and to move all the tenents. She said she was not opposed to the road so long as the TTD fulfilled their promises. I also heard a retail store owner say there was nothing the TTD could do to make him happy. Seems to me the apartment owner will come out on top while the other owner will cause taxpayer money to go to attorneys rather than problem solving.

  14. headroom says - Posted: June 21, 2012

    There are very few places in town that are not slated for some sort of redevelopment plan or another. If there is an attorney on the city council, he or she is bound to have some clients in one or more of these areas. Do we want that person to continuously recuse himself/herself because of some possible conflict of interest?

    Grego often brings to us and the council a careful and thoughtful reading of important public contracts. In the public interest he tries to help fix the weak places he sees in them. He asks good questions of the council and the public. I think we are lucky to have him on the council and I hope he runs again and wins.

  15. Pine Tree says - Posted: June 21, 2012

    I think Bruce asks good questions and seems fair to everyone. I wonder how Angela would feel if it was her home being eminent domain-ed? One thing to consider if the affected property owners property is replaced. The new property gets a “NEW” property tax. Depending on how long they owned the old property, they may get a new much higher property tax. I would negotiate that before I signed on the dotted line.

  16. Sunriser2 says - Posted: June 21, 2012

    The next time you’re trapped in traffic while they build bike paths and sidewalks. Think about what it will be like when they close Pioneer Trail, hwy 50 and our back streets all at the same time. These people will back up traffic to Echo Summit.

    They have zero concern for the needs of the local community.

    They never do anything that helps cars and I don’t believe they will this time either. Think about the paid parking at Ski Run and Marriot.

    Anyone remember how long it took to open the last 100 feet of the existing Loop Road???

  17. Todd says - Posted: June 22, 2012

    Lets rock this Loop Road. I am 10000% in. Go tahoe go!