Police release details of suspicious package found near Safeway
Updated: June 20, 2012, 7:25am:
Details released Wednesday morning from South Lake Tahoe police: What was found was a large dark colored piece of luggage, about 2-feet wide, 4-feet long and 2-feet deep. In part, an unsigned note accused specific federal, county, and city law enforcement and court officials in the Midwest of committing a violent crime against the unknown person who had left the package.
Safeway was evacuated, as were all the rooms of the Best Western Timber Cove Lodge that faced the highway.
There was miscellaneous packaging, photographs and clothing in the container, but no explosives were found.
A suspicious device caused officials to close down Highway 50 in South Lake Tahoe in front of Safeway on Tuesday night.
Tahoe Douglas bomb squad officials were called out to determine if the device found near the bus stop was an explosive.
Eric Guevin, spokesman for Tahoe Douglas Fire Protection District, told Lake Tahoe News his crew X-rayed the item; this confirmed it was not an explosive device.
“We want to err on the side of safety and not make any assumptions,” South Lake Tahoe Police Chief Brian Uhler said as to why the bomb squad was called June 19. “We try to keep things as safe as we can. We don’t want our citizens or officers in harms way.”
A Safeway customer service rep said, “We are not at liberty to say anything.” She deferred comment to the closed corporate offices. So it’s not known if the excitement disrupted business.
— Lake Tahoe News staff report
Im pretty sure it did disrupt business considering the road was closed and we were unable to drive east or west on hwy 50 last night.
50 was closed but traffic was rerouted around behind Safeway by the way of Takela, Johnson Blvd, and Fairway Ave. Better safe than sorry! Underwear bombs are quite fashionable this time of year!
cmon…what was really in the package- inquiring minds want to know!
there was a small explosion
sounded like a pipe bomb
we were in front of El Dorado savings
with all the other bystanders
where was the Sherrifs?
where was the Hiway Patrol?
the City public works did a good job
of closing the road
Maybe you should ask the 5 young people who are there at the Johnson entrance, begging for money. Maybe it belongs to them.
These are details?