1-day workshop focuses on leadership for women

The Zawadisha Fund welcomes author and CEO of the Institute for Women’s Leadership, Rayona Sharpnack, for a one-day workshop designed for women ready to accelerate their personal and leadership development. Using the “Trade Up” principles from Sharpnack’s acclaimed book by the same name, this workshop will support women in:

• Discovering their untapped potential,

• Revealing and removing self-sabotaging behaviors,

• Creating practices for increasing their impact, and

• Learning communication skills that allow individuals to operate at the enterprise level when required to.

Offered at a highly discounted rate, this innovative and action-orientated workshop is designed to provide women with proven—and essential—strategies for developing and strengthening their leadership skills.

The workshop will be at the North Tahoe Event Center in Kings Beach from 8:30am-5pm Aug. 24.

The Zawadisha Fund will arrange optional accommodation in Kings Beach and a Saturday paddleboard session for all interested attendees.

Individuals may register online. The $195 registration fee includes lunch and a signed copy of Rayona’s book, “Trade Up.” Groups of four or more will receive a 10 percent discount. All proceeds benefit the Zawadisha Fund, whose mission is to empower, entrust, and expand opportunities for women and girls globally and locally.

Learn more by contacting Jen Gurecki at (530) 416.5682 or jen@zawadisha.org.