El Dorado County woman hospitalized after accident on Rubicon Trail
By Ed Fletcher, Sacramento Bee
An El Dorado Hills woman remained in critical condition Monday after her vehicle rolled off the Rubicon Trail, causing a 2-acre forest fire and stranding as many as 300 other Jeeps participating in the Jeepers Jamboree.
Rachel Anne Gray, 21, was part of a large caravan of off-road enthusiasts driving north on an El Dorado County road early Saturday evening when the 1961 Jeep Willy she was driving careened off an embankment near Cadillac Hill, said Officer Dan Stark, a spokesman for the California Highway Patrol.
The vehicle overturned several times, ejecting Gray and a 34-year-old male passenger from Pilot Hill before catching fire, Stark said. Both Gray and the passenger were transported to the UC Davis Medical Center in Sacramento, he said.
A hospital spokeswoman confirmed Gray’s condition early Monday afternoon. The passenger suffered minor injuries.
By early Monday morning, the fire was contained and the rugged, rocky road reopened.
Lacey Stiles, an employee of the Georgetown-based event, said the trail was reopened at 7am thanks to the U.S. Forest Service, which is battling the fire.
While some of the Jeeps turned back, most – lacking enough fuel for the return trip – waited out the fire before completing the final three to four hours of the trip toward Lake Tahoe.
I thought the Forest Service closed this area because the offroaders had trashed it with garbage and human waste over the course of many years. If not, close it down now. We don’t need vehicles in the back country. Get out and hike, peacful and quiet, no pollution.
Get out and hike deep into the mountains? Why when you can go rock crawling in I don’t know who people are trying to save the Forrest for if your not able to use it. Pack it in, pack it out and everything you mentioned is taken care of there is no reason to close a trail that we have been enjoying with family for over 60 years….
Art- That’s like telling a bike rider to just run.
You are correct. I have seen large groups of hikers on the Rubicon Trail. Do you know where – walking down the trail. This trail is constantly monitored for any and all type of damage. And do people occasionally liter, darn right they do. And there is someone not far behind that picks it up. Is is wrong to litter – darn right. People speed on the roads to, we don’t close the roads. There are bad eggs in every crowd – fortunately there are more good eggs to compensate.
You do your thing and let other people do theirs-who r u to tell other people how to recreate?
People advocate for closing trials in the middle Timber – 1800 – .30
Lakeland – 1745 – .83of nowhere but endorse boats stirring up and destroying the lake. Come on.. Outdoor enthusiasts have a right to this and shouldn’t be shut down. As for this incident, I hope the girl is ok and glad the fire didn’t go out of control.
I was on the Jamboree this year. I have enjoyed this event for over 40 years and this is the first accident like this that I can ever remember. This event has been going on for 60 years and thousands of off roaders have enjoyed it, to close the Rubicon Trail is stupid, It was an ACCIDENT.
I Pray for Rachel’s recovery.
Only young fit super hikers should be able to enjoy the outdoors.
Get well soon Rachel.
Art, you obviously hven’t been on the trail recently – it has not been “trashed”!! We all hope and pray that Rachel will recover from her injuries.I have enhoyed the Jeepers Jamboree for the last several yars because some of us who fit the definition of seniors and also have deteriorated joints that won’t handle that level of hiking still like to get into the outdoors. Why should we be shut out. The people involved in this accident were in one of the most dangerous parts of the trail without assistance from the Jamboree organizers. No one deserves to get hurt, but they were apparently taking chances they did not have the knowledge and/or experience to handle. Don’t blame the event, the organizers, or the road condition. Those of us who are responsible enough to have the right equipemnt, stay on the trails and “pack it in, pack it out” (I always seem to take out more than I took in) should not be punished because people with their environmental noses in the air think they are the only ones who should be able to enjoy the wilderness.
Why don’t you ban driving cars on the road in cities Erik, Art, Sunriser…….you shouldn’t even leave your house if that’s the way you think…..you are doing damage every time you step outside!!
PLEASE PRAY FOR RACHEL rather than bashing the offroad community!!!
Just so you know….Most of the local offroad enthusiasts do more environmental work than all of you combined!!! This includes mountain bikes and snowmobiles….so keep your negative comments to yourself!! And if you want to take a look at time stamps with the forest service just challenge me!!
Ed, your article is cold as are the folks leaving comments about dirt? and earth?
what about this young woman and her family~ and the man
show some respect
JJ-Not sure what I said to make you think i think closing highways is a good idea. Maybe you should re-read my comment…. And I’m pretty sure sunriser was being sarcastic. My thoughts are with Rachel and her family.
Erik….sorry I was upset after reading Arts comment and was on a rampage after reading the first sentence of yours…..sorry misread your comment
Art! Really?? Did you not just read there is a young woman burned over 70% of her body most likely fighting for her life if u knew anything about burn injuries and your worried about keeping vehicles of the trail that has got to be the stupid and selfish thing for anybody to say I dont recall anybody asking your one sided opinion but you still felt the need to share it and that just confirms my opinion of what you and groups stand for ! Hang in there Rachel My thought are with you and your family! (Human Life then the forest you one sided ….)
Sorry about the typos im just a little upset as well after reading arts comment!
Just heard that She has passed. RIP :_(