Ideas for fostering inspiration

By Mandy Kendall

I have to admit that when I came to sit down and write this week’s piece, I found I was somewhat lacking in inspiration. I sat, I paced, I sat again, but nothing sprang to mind. Then, when I was thinking about something else entirely, it struck me that inspiration itself should be this week’s topic. (Cue Homer Simpson ‘Doh’ moment.) So, I decided to do some research on inspiration and what it takes be inspired; as well as inspiring. It seems that as well as something that strikes us out of the blue, inspiration can be assisted using a few simple tips.

Mandy Kendall

So here are a few Qwik-E tips on how to create your very own inspiration.

1. Get comfortable. No one can expect you to be inspired when you feel tense or rushed. Give yourself plenty of time for the ideas to come to you.

2. Brainstorm. Jotting down ideas (even if they seem pretty random) will help trigger a flow of thoughts. Even better, throw around some ideas with someone else. It’s amazing how refreshing, and enlightening, a different perspective can be. Studies have shown that a combination of brainstorming with others, and then working on those ideas alone, is the most productive.

3. Don’t think about it. Sometimes our subconscious just needs a little breathing space. Trying too hard to force inspiration will most likely end up giving you a bad idea or a headache (or both). Try doing something mundane that distracts you and you’ll probably find that something pops into your head.

4. Be curious. Finding out a little bit about lots of different things will keep your mental library fully stocked with material. The way you put all these snippets of information together will often be where the most innovative ideas come from and be unique to you.

5. Be prepared. Often our most inspiring ideas hit us when we least expect them (when we are in the shower or drifting off to sleep). Most phones these days have a ‘record audio’ function. Or just a few post-it notes pads dotted around the place will help capture those potentially elusive thoughts.

6. Put yourself in someone else’s shoes. If someone inspires you by what they do try putting yourself in their place and imagine what you would do if you were them.

7. Laughter is the best medicine. Studies have shown that having a good laugh encourages other feel good emotions that inspire us to be more creative.

If you prefer being an inspiration:

8. Share. Sharing your stories and experiences with others (the good and the bad) often inspires people to go for their dreams too when they see that challenges can be overcome.

9. Lead by example. Being a good example, and practicing what you preach, is the best way to encourage people to do the same.

10. Listen. Make someone feel important by giving them your full attention. You never know what you might hear that will inspire you if you are really listening.

11. Encourage. Sometimes people find it difficult to believe in themselves. By encouraging and believing in them you may just be the inspiration they need.

12. Challenge. We tend to do our best when we are challenged. Often all people need is a gentle nudge in the right direction. Just be careful not to push too hard.

Until next time.

Mandy Kendall operates Health Connective in South Lake Tahoe. If you have any questions, would like some advice, or would like to request some Qwik-e tips on any health and wellbeing topic, please feel free to drop me an email at, visit us on Facebook, or keep an eye out on Lake Tahoe News for regular Qwik-e tips on how to make healthy changes one Quick and Easy step at a time.

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