K’s Kitchen: Kahlua milkshakes — a summer favorite

By Kathryn Reed

Until we saw billboards for Kahlua, we just thought it was a coffee liqueur. The ads taught us the beverage from Mexico is a rum and coffee liqueur.

According to the beverage’s website, it is the top selling rum and coffee liqueur in the world. Of course, I can’t even name another one.

It hails from Veracruz, Mexico; having first been made in 1936.

Sometime in college I had my first Kahlua milkshake. For whatever reason it didn’t feel like underage drinking. It was like a coffee flavored shake. It wasn’t going to get me tipsy any more than the cheesecake brownies I make with Kahlua.

The shake is a perfect summer dessert or reward for doing yard work or just because Sue says it’s time to have one.

I would suggest not making milkshakes for a big group. It’s just too time consuming and everyone won’t be enjoying them at the same time.

Use less liquid for a thicker shake. Some people like their shakes to be eaten with a spoon, others want to suck it down with a straw. So, keep that in mind. It’s best to go easy on the liquids to get to the consistency you like. Of course, you can always add more ice cream to make it thicker.

I think Kahlua is one of those beverages best mixed with something else. Kahlua and cream is one of the most popular combos. No wonder ice cream works so well.

Kahlua Milkshake (serves 4)

1½ quarts vanilla ice cream

½ C Kahlua

¼-½ C milk

1/8 C chocolate syrup

Place all ingredients in blender. Blend. Pour into glasses. Bottoms up.