Opinion: South Lake Tahoe on the right track

To the community,

I’m writing to show my gratitude for the recent strides being made toward making our town a better place to live. The free concerts at Lakeview Commons, the bike path improvements, and the modernization of our schools are examples of how our community is moving in the right direction.

And by revamping our town, we’re also protecting our lake. Right now, 74 percent of pollutants running into Lake Tahoe come from aging strip commercial development and roadway network harming both our economy and environment.

I realize this progress is only the beginning of a bigger picture of improvement envisioned by many in town. In particular, I‘ve been following the TRPA’s Regional Plan update (RPU) process and I support its vision to create a walkable, bike-friendly and basically safer place for us to live, work and raise families.

Our family enjoys living here, but often we don’t feel safe walking or riding our bikes around city streets. As a LTCC PE instructor and parent involved with the Spanish immersion program at Bijou, as well as youth sports, I’ve heard similar concerns from friends and families (of not feeling safe walking around or biking within our town). It’s reassuring to know that the RPU is addressing these issues in the following ways:

Creating town centers that are walkable, bicycle and transit-friendly;

Increased connections between town centers that result in fewer auto trips;

Revitalization of existing “Town Centers”;

Replace/upgrade buildings for environmental protection and energy efficiency.

With the RPU and the help of various organizations in town, I envision a place where people are out of their cars more, taking public transportation, walking and riding bikes all within a safe infrastructure. SLT is finally headed in the right direction. Let’s all get involved and help create the best outcome possible. If you want your voice to be heard or would like more info, check out the user-friendly website TahoeFuture.org. It’s helpful and includes comprehensive info all in one place.

Here’s to our renewed South Lake Tahoe.

Jen Spina, South Lake Tahoe