Sherer loses job 1 week after sparring with South Lake Tahoe City Council

By Kathryn Reed

South Lake Tahoe Community Services Director Stan Sherer was fired Monday.

“It’s kind of a shocker. I really can’t talk about it,” Sherer told Lake Tahoe News the night of July 23.

Sherer came on board with the city in January 2011 to lead the Parks and Recreation Department. During consolidation because of budget shortfalls his job responsibilities increased, department title was changed, as was his job title. And his department was reduced in staffing significantly.

Stan Sherer

He was verbally chastised by the City Council as last week’s meeting regarding a long-term contract he approved without the electeds knowledge.

Asked if that was why the city let him go, Sherer said no. However, the first inkling he had that there was trouble was when he met July 20 with City Manager Nancy Kerry. He would not divulge the details of that conversation.

Kerry, when reached July 23, was tight-lipped as well.

“His employment with the city was terminated effective today,” Kerry told Lake Tahoe News. She would not elaborate because it’s a personnel matter.

Sherer had come to South Lake Tahoe from Sparks, where he had worked in that city’s rec department for 16 years.

“I really wanted to make a difference up there,” Sherer said. “I appreciated my time there and wish I had more time to make a difference.”