5 people speak out about SnowGlobe at college meeting

Lake Tahoe Community College’s board of trustees gathered information Tuesday night from the public about SnowGlobe. The five are expected to vote Sept. 11 on if and how they want to be involved with the three-day music festival.

A representative from the city of South Lake Tahoe gave an overview of plans that were agreed to by the City Council last week, two people were in favor of the event, one against and one didn’t take a true stance.

Jennifer Buckley, who has lived in town 25 years, said, “I had an amazing time.” She also agreed more trash cans and turning down the bass are needed.

John Mark said, “I thought it represented our community really well.”

Pete Jorgensen said he didn’t want to endure another three days of having the pictures on his walls rattle.

While the city can proceed without the college’s approval, the logistics would be problematic without LTCC’s involvement.

— Lake Tahoe News staff report



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Comments (28)
  1. Biggerpicture says - Posted: August 29, 2012

    How is it that we didn’t hear about any comments at the meeting from ALL the VOCAL anti-Snowglobe folks? Did they not attend? This meeting was even posted on the Tribune web site, so they had no excuse to miss it. Could it actually be the fact that the supposed ‘majority of locals opposed to this’ are nothing more than a ‘vocal minority’?

  2. tony colombo says - Posted: August 29, 2012

    three days of music cannot be endured? Blasting for avalanche control all those years on echo summit had plenty of bass. Closing down the airport to commercial flights helped kill the local economy because of “jet bass” Please ban thunder storms in the future-the bass is deafening. Long live special events!

  3. Biggerpicture says - Posted: August 29, 2012

    Exactly Tony! How about all the bass from the over amplified exhaust of Harley’e we must endure ALL SUMMER LONG? THREE EVENINGS IS NOTHIN! Embrace special events, it’s the future of our community (or should be)!

  4. John S says - Posted: August 29, 2012

    Maybe those of us that are against Snowglobe could not attend the meeting due to our existing schedules.

    And I will state for the record Most of us are not against events. We are against the location it is being held, we are against the noise level and disruption to our households. And to compare the noise to avalanche control is absurd.

  5. Bob says - Posted: August 29, 2012

    Right On, John S. And I’m also against the guy who is leaving his truck on Pioneer Trl advertising the Marathon in Sept. It’s an eye sore and should be towed away. If not – all business should be allowed to post a billboard at this city site for 30 days as well.

  6. fromform says - Posted: August 29, 2012

    bigger: ‘vocal minority’ with regard to both snowglobe and loop road, it seems

  7. Diana Hamilton says - Posted: August 29, 2012

    We’ve spoken at City Council meetings and the LTCC Board of Trustees, plus submitted written concerns regarding the sub-woofer/bass power. Being at every meeting isn’t always possible for a variety of reasons.

    Again, co-existence & compromise is possible! Music festivals are fun & profitable – bring’em on! This one is in the midst of several major residential areas full of children, elderly, ill, pets, workers, so respecting the rights & needs of the neighbors will insure the continuation of local festivals. 23+ hours of pounding bass, crying kids, howling dogs, rattling windows & metal fireplaces, throbbing headaches, is not acceptable. Controlling the bass power would be a compromise & kindness.

    I lived in Tony’s neighborhood for 5 winters so experienced plenty of avalanche blasts from Echo; in town we hear them from Echo & Heavenly – the difference is, though sometimes shocking, they aren’t constant for 5 hours at a time, and they are necessary for public safety.

    Compromise – let’s be pro-active, not either/or.

  8. Julie Threewit says - Posted: August 29, 2012

    Community colleges across the country need to find new sources of revenue. Kudos to the board for considering Snow Globe and I hope they vote a resounding YES!!! More special events in Tahoe would be a good thing.

  9. Tom Wendell says - Posted: August 29, 2012


    Your well-reasoned and open-minded response cannot be improved upon. Home run!

  10. sunriser2 says - Posted: August 29, 2012

    As to the motorcycle noise. I have lived behind the Brothers place for thirty-two years.

    I have never had a problem with there live bands or motorcycles. The noise from Snow Globe was much worse that any noise from the Brothers. I have no idea how the people who live next to snow globe could stand it.

    Someone mentioned the concerts at the old Safeway building “Freshies”. Santana played there not Deep Purple with their wall of sound.

  11. Stan says - Posted: August 29, 2012

    Not only does the Snow Globe brings in people, the people stay in vacations homes, and that my friend is also a big problem. Last year we had so many people crammed in the 3 vacations homes around me, and let me tell you, when they came back from the concert, they all continued their screaming and drinking. But I just made a list of the address and called the police. They said they would get there when they could, but I knew the police had their hands full. If it happens again I will call the owners of the homes, and the police. Believe me it was awful.

  12. sunriser2 says - Posted: August 29, 2012

    The family in the vacation rental next to me left early to avoid the last night of Snow Globe.

  13. Mountaingirl says - Posted: August 29, 2012

    It is unreal how many people are against keeping the economy thriving in S lake Tahoe! Is everyone who is opposed just independently wealthy? Many people in this town , WHICH IS A TOURIST DESTINATION , NOT some pristine remote mountain hamlet , RELY on visitors coming here to stay in business. Remember 2008- 2009? When tourism dried up and so many people left town because they lost their jobs? Come on now . It’s 3 days ! Isn’t the music over by 10pm? Get some earplugs , stop complaining, and let’s keep
    People coming to our town . Everybody wins . South lake is being advertised as ” the wild side of tahoe.” if you want somewhere quiet , this land of casinos and hedonism is not the town for you!

  14. John says - Posted: August 29, 2012

    Mountain girl, its a bit of stretch to suggest that people opposed to the current location of Snowglobe are against us have a tourist economy. No the music was not over at 10PM, it exceeded the permitted volumes and attendees were peeing in peoples yards throughout the night. I think these types of events are the future of Tahoe but: 1) Snow Globe went out of its way to break the rules, and 2) a lot of us do have school kids and jobs. 10PM is late in our world. Your rights end where my nose begins. If I was closer and the event was destroying my kids sleep I would be very vocally against it.

  15. Stan says - Posted: August 29, 2012

    I have been here for 27 years. This is my home Mountaingirl, but people work hard here and have to earn a living, and if the noise keeps them awake, how good are they going to be when they have to get up at 6 in the morning. If you want a wild town move to Vegas.

  16. Mountaingirl says - Posted: August 29, 2012

    I am also a hardworking long time local Tahoe resident. Last winter, the Christmas holidays here were shaping up to be pretty dismal since we had no snow. All I’m
    Saying is that we should be more tolerant of an event who brought in people who otherwise would not have come here and spent money. Anything that helps my friends who are struggling to support their families with small businesses survive a dismal season is good in my opinion. South Lake IS the Vegas of lake Tahoe. It has been for a long time.Should we ban the new years celebration in stateline? The fourth of July fireworks are loud too…should we ban those events also? I don’t want to see our town shrivel up any more that it already has. The north shore is much quieter , if that’s what you are looking for .

  17. 30yrlocal says - Posted: August 29, 2012

    I am all for special events, all for looking for bringing in tourists, all for being successful as a community, but, as was so well said by Diana and John, is this really the type of event that brings in the money and guests we need? I wonder how many at Snow Globe wouldn’t have been here already. People say they spent money, but did they spend a little money in places where others would have spent more had Snow Globe not been here? No way to tell.

    I appreciate the fact that people are trying to help the economy.

    I didn’t attend meetings as I feel its already a done deal. I have spent the last week looking at vacation spots off the hill during SnowGlobe. I am all for tourism and people having fun, but I don’t have to stay and endure. Once was enough. I’m a block away from the event and trust me, it was not an enjoyable experience.

  18. Stan says - Posted: August 29, 2012

    Well said 30yrlocal. I am all for tourism, concerts, etc, but not in neighborhoods. I hope they handle this one well. Good by Mountaingirl.

  19. John says - Posted: August 29, 2012

    Mountain girl, there is a fundamental difference between a party at Stateline in the casino core and a party in peoples backyards. The college is just not an appropriate place for this. Stateline is. You should come deal with my 3 year old at 10PM and see how you like it.

  20. Diana Hamilton says - Posted: August 29, 2012

    A lodging professional speaking at the recent City Counsil meeting mentioned the practice of raising rates during holidays. More people than allowed crammed into rented rooms and there were reports of people sleeping in their cars.

    There’s a public health concern when “campers” are along neighborhood roads with no sanitation/toilets/sinks available. “Peeing in the bushes” was mentioned – that’s a minor concern compared to other human waste.

    A lot of festivals set up camping sites for their attendees. Perhaps the promoters, City Council & college could arrange camping & transportation as part of the permit process.

  21. golden says - Posted: August 29, 2012

    Diana – spot on. There ought to be compromise. I live in Al Tahoe and last year my windows were rattling and it was annoying but it was only 3 days.

    There are a couple of problems I see with sending them to Stateline. It’s already at full capacity around NYE and it’s in Douglas county not El Dorado. Is our city so well off we can send big revenue events to other counties?

    I say give SnowGlobe and the city counsil another shot to iron out the wrinkles. It was their first year and should have a better grasp on what to expect from both the event and all the complainers.

  22. Buck says - Posted: August 29, 2012

    Last year they broke every rule they could. Still do not know if they were prosecuted. I hope the city will let the people look at the new contact before they sign it. No wiggle room for anything or we should pull the plug as soon as a rule is broken….

  23. Living the Dream says - Posted: August 29, 2012

    How about just doing the event with some good music we all can enjoy.

  24. John says - Posted: August 29, 2012

    Because Hank Williams and Johnny Cash are dead.

  25. John says - Posted: August 29, 2012

    Golden, I see that type comment and it drives me nuts. Please tell me, how far does an event have to be from Nevada for you to feel comfortable with it? Are you aware that the Heavenly Village is in California? Do we have to be three miles from there or farther?

  26. TeaTotal says - Posted: August 29, 2012

    At least you have the very talented boy genius Hank Williams Jr. to carry on the tradition of real ‘merican musik.

  27. Diana Hamilton says - Posted: August 29, 2012

    Hi John – I interpreted Golden’s comment to mean that he wants to keep activities in CA as Stateline is already busy @ New Year’s & we need the business to the west.

    Far from being independently wealthy (an earlier post by Mountaingirl), I doubt any of us are. I’ve worked as a cashier, a housekeeper, a ski & wedding photographer & server (waitress)here – 2 & 3 job Tahoe. My husband is a carpenter/contractor/musician – no fortunes coming our way, just lots of hard work. Home & business owners have taken a huge hit with the economic problems of the last 6+ years. We’re quite clear on the financial struggle.

    We, and I’d guess everyone posting, have made our homes here for many years because we love Tahoe. Moving isn’t a reasonable option, especially when employing others (who may be your friends).

    Again… compromise!