Lakeview Commons — proving South Shore has spunk


Live at Lakeview returns today with another free concert at Lakeview Commons in South Lake Tahoe starting at 4pm.

More boats keep showing up, so organizers have a speaker just for them.

While cigarette and marijuana smoke have been problematic, the air was more the traditional mountain freshness last week. Many who were told this is a non-smoking event extinguished their smoke and took their butts with them.

A mix of locals and tourists sway to the various bands breathing life into the South Shore. Bring food or buy it there. Bike valet is free.

— Lake Tahoe News staff report

Estimates are more than 1,000 attend the Thursday concerts.

Plenty of ways to stay cool at Lakeview Commons every Thursday night. Photos/Kathryn Reed

Rules to follow.


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This article was written by admin


Comments (25)
  1. Steve Kubby says - Posted: August 16, 2012

    The concert is at 4:20 and yet you tell people no pot? Get real. A majority of voters in this town voted ‘yes’ on Prop. 19 to legalize cannabis, so there should be a 4:20 area set aside for us. Instead, we are stuck with a small group of busybodies, who are imposing their prejudice and fears on all the rest of us. You can find these busybodies here on these pages, hiding behind false names and phony issues. In the meantime, I believe that anyone who wants to toke up at these concerts is within their legal rights, here in California, since our smoking laws don’t apply to cannabis.

  2. Biggerpicture says - Posted: August 16, 2012

    Steve, I’m all about legalization, but flaunting it in the face of those that oppose it doesn’t help to achieve the legalization goal! In reality anyone that can’t abstain from a recreational activity for 3-4 hours quite possibly may have a substance abuse problem!

  3. Lisa says - Posted: August 16, 2012

    If the pot collectives would have been more descreet they would probably still be here. Instead, they took their store fronts and made them into flamboyant amusement park facades. Nope! Not everyone in town wants to smell your stench Steve! I have kids and I don’t want them around it. I’m so proud that the city is FINALLY taking a stand on this. Get stoned at HOME and then come enjoy the fresh air in Tahoe with the rest of us. STOP constantly trying to impose your smell and smoke everywhere. Have some basic common courtesy.

  4. Chief Slowroller says - Posted: August 16, 2012

    I’ve been to the shows hanging out with Tom Davis in the middle of the crowd

    nobody is smoking pot there

    some of you people are just trying to cause problems

  5. Kathy says - Posted: August 16, 2012

    Why would anyone want to get high on pot here? I really think this place is high already on life,This is a natural high place to have fun, and enjoying the Beautiful Lake ,How high can you go ? Enjoying life normal.No need for substitutes .

  6. Deborah A. Palmer says - Posted: August 16, 2012

    Freedom is a lovely concept and our country is founded on the basic entitlement for each of us to enjoy “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness” to each his own way. Where freedom is contracted under our laws is when one person’s idea of freedom impacts another. Where we share space, like the commons, we share air. After all, it’s called a commons for a reason. So let’s be cool and let the kids and tourists breathe the fresh air….

  7. Bob says - Posted: August 16, 2012

    Heh, Steve. What about them yummy marijuana cookies. Your friends could stay within the event guidelines of no smoking and still get their meds. Win win for everyone. Dum de dum de dum de dum dum. If I only had a brain….

  8. mike m. says - Posted: August 16, 2012

    I think we can all agree that Steve is in the minority here with his line of thinking. Just because you can do something doesn’t mean you should do something. I mean, flatuating is perfectly legal but you wouldn’t do it in a restaurant, I hope, because that would just be rude. This is a family event so go to your car or do it at home or eat a brownie. Nothing wrong with showing some consideration for people. And I do support legalization.

  9. dryclean says - Posted: August 16, 2012

    Eat a brownie, stop the smoke. Not only does that make sense, but it would be a hell of a bumper sticker.

  10. ljames says - Posted: August 16, 2012

    wow – some actually enlightened responses to the first comment – especially the comment that freedom does not absolved someone from common sense and courtesy. If people did in fact use their heads more often, we wouldnt have as many regulations etc. I really think it is interesting that the “be courteous” comments DID NOT come from people that have any issue with pot. Neither did I, but the overwhelming stink of grow houses near my own home certainly was a incredible discomforting nuisance for several months this spring and the the despenceries looking more like a harsh biker bar than a place to purchase something with therapuetic properties (which I do beleive for some people, like cancer patients, are incredibly useful) I think certainly helped them loose a lot of support. It is funny, because I know some older folks that could have benefited from marijuana during their fatal illnesses, but they would have never been comfortable buying it in the setting that the outside of the buildings conveyed.

  11. John says - Posted: August 16, 2012

    Hey this is great. Nine to one the comments are in favor of common courtesy and not imposing on people with smoke of any kind. I love it.

  12. Steve Kubby says - Posted: August 16, 2012

    The “be courteous” comments came from hypocrites who claim they have no issue with pot, yet they insist on a total ban on smoking pot at an outdoor summer concert. This is exactly the kind of warped logic to which these busybodies are completely blind. As for the “stench of marijuana,” that’s the smell of freedom. Get used to it. And when your kids ask you about it, tell them that sometimes freedom means allowing others to engage in activities to which you do not approve. Besides, smoking pot at a music concert is as American as motherhood and apple pie.

  13. ljames says - Posted: August 16, 2012

    Sorry Steve – it’s clear it’s not about pot, its about smoke and having your throat and lungs being made physically uncomfortable by inhaling it – if you can figure out how not to exhale any of it, I would say most of us would agree we could care less and you can partake all you want :)

  14. John says - Posted: August 16, 2012

    Funny, Steve is on here advocating for people to violate marijuana laws so people can get stoned at concerts. But Steve, yesterday it was just for medicinal uses. Now I am supposed to accept you blowing smoke in my kids face? You decide whats best for my kids? Really? What a moron….

  15. Steve Kubby says - Posted: August 16, 2012

    I have never advocated violating marijuana laws. The fact is there is no law against smoking cannabis in California. None. The Busybodies hide behind phony identities and make dishonest comments, rather than deal honestly with the facts.

  16. Biggerpicture says - Posted: August 16, 2012

    Steve there are those that argue income taxes are illegal, but trying to convince the government of that is a whole nother ball of wax. And just want to add that heaping medicinal AND recreational use of mj together in the push for legalization could ruin it for both sides! So my advice is to advocate one or the other, or quit while you are ahead. And as Bob pointed out above, I have one more word for ya, EDIBLES!

    P.S. Those that you say are “hiding behind phony id’s” are just voicing their opinion, as are you on so many occasions.


  17. Steve Kubby says - Posted: August 16, 2012

    Would making part of Commons Beach 420 friendly be acceptable to the Busybodies? No, they want a total ban, even if it is legal. Even if it’s just a tiny part of the Beach that is cannabis friendly, they will still whine and complain. That’s their twisted idea of ‘courtesy’, to make you adapt to their puritanical values. Thankfully, the majority of folks in SLT understand these issues and do not agree with the Busybodies.

  18. Dick Fox says - Posted: August 16, 2012

    Hey Steve, Admit it. As a long time big Ayn Rand fan-libertarian sociopath you could really not give a fig what anyone thinks about your behavior.

  19. 4-mer-usmc says - Posted: August 16, 2012

    Anyone wanting to learn how the smoking ban really came about should watch the August 7th City Council meeting on the City’s website, New Business Item (b). That item was about a different park related topic and the discussion got shifted to cigarette or marijuana smoking at the City’s parks and beaches. The City Council’s real problem was with cigarette smokers using Lakeview Commons and Regan Beach as a giant ashtray and discarding their cigarette butts all other the park and beach, thus they’re passing an urgency ordinance banning smoking of all substances at City parks and beaches.

    Mr. Kubby, this ban did not begin as a personal affront directed at medical marijuana patients; but it was a response to rude people who smoke and discard their cigarette butts all over Lakeview Commons and Regan beach, or at any of the City’s other parks. Thus, a ban on smoking all substances needed to be implemented.

  20. admin says - Posted: August 16, 2012

    The South Lake Tahoe City Council at its Aug. 21 meeting (9am, Lake Tahoe Airport) will be considering adoption of an emergency ordinance that would ban all smoking at Lakeview Commons.

    Kathryn Reed, LTN publisher

  21. 4-mer-usmc says - Posted: August 16, 2012


    Thank you for the update on the Council meeting date for this Ordinance. I erroneously wrote in the past tense (needed) and should have said “needs”. In the interim, the SLT Police Department will make their presence known at the Lakeview Commons concerts to curb the cigarette butt littering problem caused by some smokers who don’t seem to know that they should haul their trash out with them.

  22. Toogee says - Posted: August 16, 2012

    Just got home from down there and once again I witnessed a pleasantly happening scene! Whole bunch a locals! BIKE VALET IS WAY KEWL! I’m thinking the city needs some kudos for this gig!

    Thanks City Of South Lake Tahoe!

  23. Tahoe Calm says - Posted: August 16, 2012

    If you want to smoke fine, your lungs your body don’t want to get into a fight over what is legal or not–but walk away from other people, no one else needs to inhale your second hand smoke doesn’t matter what it is you are smoking. I noticed at the recent Neil Young concert lots of smokers but no one blowing it in my face, they walked away found another spot, came back and enjoyed (or didn’t like depending on your musical taste) the show. But everyone smokers or not clean up after yourselves!

  24. Chief Slowroller says - Posted: August 16, 2012

    I was down there too

    hung out with Tom Davis we tried to find people smoking and leaving a mess

    did not find any

    the Kids the Old Folks the Young Folks
    everybody was having a good time

  25. Dick Fox says - Posted: August 16, 2012

    Hey Chief, Did you see your good friend Councilman Davis down there? And do you think we should shoot out the windows of all our neighbors we suspect of un-biblical acts?