Names of people involved in motorcycle accident released
No charges have been filed in the vehicle accident that sent two people riding the same motorcycle to the hospital.
“So far in the investigation it appears the driver of the involved car was at fault for failing to yield to the motorcycle,” South Lake Tahoe police Lt. David Stevenson told Lake Tahoe News. “Ultimately the only ‘charges’ from the police department would be a citation issued to the at fault driver.”
Sarah Bauwens, 29, of South Lake Tahoe was attempting to turn left onto Highway 50 from Lodi Avenue on Aug. 24 when the vehicle she was driving hit a motorcycle. She was not injured.
Because of health care privacy regulations the condition of the South Lake Tahoe residents who were on the motorcycle is unknown. Even the police could not furnish the information.
The driver was James Estell, 63, and the passenger Corinne Estell, 61. He was taken to Barton Memorial Hospital and she was airlifted to Renown Medical Center.
— Lake Tahoe News staff report
Turning left onto Hwy 50 from streets with no mechanical signals is risky at best! I always drive to the streets that have a traffic light (such as Sierra Blvd) for safety. Even tho there is a 2-way turn lane in the middle – it is still not very safe with traffic coming both ways.