Opinion: El Dorado County not happy with fire fee


By Ray Nutting

With over 51,000 property owners in the El Dorado County expected to receive bills from the state for fire prevention, the El Dorado County Board of Supervisors wants to know how the county can help.

The public should know what’s coming. This “fee” is nothing but a scheme allowing the state of California to pick the pockets of rural residents.

Ray Nutting

The State Fire Prevention Fee was authorized last year by the governor and Legislature as part of the state budget package. The fee will be $150 for each habitable structure located within CalFire’s jurisdiction known as the State Responsibility Area. A $35 dollar credit applies to structures that are also located within a local fire district.

Last year the Board of Supervisors attempted to appeal the fire fee on behalf of all affected property owners in El Dorado County. The appeal was rejected by CalFire because the law does not allow appeals until an actual bill has been received.

Concerns have been expressed about the accuracy of the maps and information the state used to determine to generate the fire fee bills. The state has set up a website, with additional information about the fee and the appeal process. Although it remains unclear at this point, it is likely that residents will require documentation from the county in order to file an appeal.

We’ll want to position the county government to help residents through their appeal process as best we can.

Nutting also suggested that the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association will likely initiate litigation over the state fire fee. Personally I think the county should explore filing a friend-of-the-court brief once litigation is under way.

The governor and Legislature have overspent for years, and are now forcing us to write personal checks to cover their recklessness. Next we’ll be required to feed and house the King’s army.

The Board of Supervisors will discuss the new fire fee at the Aug. 14 Board meeting which begins at 9am at 330 Fair Lane, Placerville.

Ray Nutting represents District 2 on the El Dorado County Board of Supervisors.



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Comments (36)
  1. Horse Tails says - Posted: August 14, 2012

    I believe every county in Calif. is against this fee or better yet, a tax.
    It is just a way to add money to the Calif. general fund.

    Where will Cal Fire be when you need them????

  2. earl zitts says - Posted: August 14, 2012

    Someone has to pay for our welfare state and illegal entrants. Might as well be you.

  3. Business is Hurting says - Posted: August 14, 2012

    yup. dig deep, it’s goin up.

  4. Dick Fox says - Posted: August 14, 2012

    Someone has to pay for the effects of 30+ years of Prop. 13 and leadership by the obstructionist GOP minority like Ray(what’s between my ears?)Nutting.

  5. Julie Threewit says - Posted: August 14, 2012

    Lake Valley is the first responder to county fires, right? From what I understand, they will not get dime one from the new fire prevention tax. Whatever your reason, appeal the fee as soon as you get your bill!

  6. Kitten says - Posted: August 14, 2012

    Why are the homeowners the only ones that have to pay. What about all the other people who live in this county and other counties in California? NOT FAIR.

  7. X LOCAL says - Posted: August 14, 2012

    Dick Fox

    The GOP is not the blame, California has had a couple of Republican Governors but the state has been run by DEMOCRATS for ever, and there is where the problem begins. Prop. 13 is not the problem, WELFARE IS THE PROBLEM, too many people on food stamps, section 8 housing, welfare checks, etc.
    If the democrats would just learn that a balanced budget and not spending more than your income would solve the problem.
    If your on welfare, and not looking for a job, your part of the problem, but why look for work when you can get money for free? Food for Free, Housing for Free, unemployment for 99 Weeks?
    Get a state food stamp credit card that you can spend at the Casinos and convert to cash and get your drugs on the working peoples tax’s, plus all your medical problems for Free ?
    Who the hell wants to work ???

  8. Steve says - Posted: August 14, 2012

    It is startling to realize that there would be a day when living in the City would actually have a benefit. Happily, that day has arrived.

  9. Kitten says - Posted: August 14, 2012

    What other counties have to pay? Does anyone know?

  10. Samuel says - Posted: August 14, 2012

    You do realize that South Lake Tahoe is in El Dorado County.

  11. Dick Fox says - Posted: August 14, 2012

    XLOCAL, Parroting the talking points of the corporatists and fox nooze-hate radio is what the willfully ignorant do. The fact that the policies of unregulated capitalism, hate the gov’t-love the corps, blame the easy targets and ignore the real private sector wall st. bankster crooks have been brought to you by the GOP is the ugly truth.

  12. John says - Posted: August 14, 2012

    dICK fOX, Parroting the talking points of the SOCIALISTS and msnbc nooze-hate radio is what the willfully ignorant do. The fact that the policies of unregulated SOCIALISM, hate BUSINESS-love the GOVERNMENT, blame the easy targets and ignore the real CORRUPT GOVERNMENT crooks have been brought to you by the DEMS is the ugly truth.

    And its all blather either way you write it. Sorry for the 15 seconds I have stolen from the lives of thinking people.

  13. Business is Hurting says - Posted: August 14, 2012

    Dick Fox,

    WHAT ‘UN Regulated Capitalism’ are you talking about? Very poor assessment by you. This is crony capitalism and it has been developing for many years. Especially in the California – the Tahoe area being a center of the decline.

    Are you not aware of that?

    The way I see it it is the collusion of the progressive liberals that run big corporate – big bank – big government that have done this damage to our society.

    It is not the tea party or conservatives its Liberalism which is the cornerstone of Democrats.

  14. Business is Hurting says - Posted: August 14, 2012

    It is scary how poorly educated and indoctrinated into socialism ideals Californians have become. It was clearly predicted to happen and it has.

    Ignorance is bliss… but then reality hits. Ouch.

    It’s best to not participate in the California experiment – just let it collapse and move back when reason and wisdom return.

  15. TeaTotal says - Posted: August 14, 2012

    False equivalency is another of their tricks Dick. And the rampant Dunning-Kruger effect inherent in the teabaggers and republicons is a Huge problem.

  16. tahoedreamer says - Posted: August 14, 2012

    i am going to appeal this fee, and not pay it..until all lawsuits are done…this is a bad tax..and will be consulting with our supervisor, as to the process.

  17. Lisa says - Posted: August 14, 2012

    Let’s see… I want a needed service (fire prevention) that costs significantly more to provide to me that others (the city), that will potentially save my house and and I don’t want to pay for it… someone else should. That sure sounds like socialism to me. And “Big Business”, are your REALLY saying the big business and big banks are run by progressive liberals??? “From your mouth to God’s ears” as they say. Oh and the projected 2013 state budget shortfalls by state… California 16.2%, Nevada 36.2% (the highest in the country).

  18. John says - Posted: August 14, 2012

    Lisa, lets assume there are about 10,000 homes in Tahoe that are going to pay that fee. That is 10,000 x $135 = $1.35 million. What do you suppose CalFires budget it for Tahoe? Really, check it out. Find out what we get for that.

    I would gladly pay the fee if it went to Lake Valley to improve my fire protection.

  19. Business is Hurting says - Posted: August 14, 2012


    Not only am I saying it, I am right – big business and banks and insurance companies are primarily run by progressives liberals that stifle competition use lobbyists to give them advantage by reducing the free market.

    Warren Buffet, Steve Jobs, Steve Winn, George Soros, Goldman – Morgan – GE – the list goes on and On and On – all lined up behind their favorite Lib Obama and as laws were passed they then seek ways to be exempted.

    Lisa, do you follow the news or just listen to the lame stream media?

    If you do the research you will find that the teachers and the media lie to you –

    The evidence is overwhelming to anyone with an open mind.

  20. TeaTotal says - Posted: August 14, 2012

    I usually don’t need anyone to help make my points for me… but thanks for the effort there biz

  21. Dick Fox says - Posted: August 14, 2012

    Hey John, I agree that $1.35 million collected from 10,000 property owners sounds like a big budget but when, not if, a major fire situation happens in rural ElDo County the CalFire yearly budget will have absolutely nothing to do with the money spent to protect life and property by state agencies. It could well be big multiples of 1.35mil.

  22. John says - Posted: August 14, 2012

    Dick that is only partially true though. First and foremost in Tahoe there is a balance of acreage with the US Forest Service, so in Tahoe, CalFire is not ever going to pay a penny. But also look at the clear intent of the fee,, they clearly state this fee is for fire prevention. Yet CalFire is removing their engines from the Basin and they do not have any real staffing here.

    Not a dollar of this is supposed to go to suppression. And even if it was, FEMA would pay 75% anyway.

  23. Tahoe Local says - Posted: August 14, 2012

    We also do not plan on paying this bill and will definitely appeal. I agree with John’s earlier statement…if the money were going to Lake Valley it would be a different story.

  24. Lisa says - Posted: August 14, 2012

    Goldman Sachs gave 3/4 of their political donations to the GOP. “Six of the 13 corporations whose employees reversed their political giving are financial institutions, including four of the top five. They are: Goldman, Bank of America Corp., Morgan Stanley (MS) and JPMorgan Chase & Co. (JPM) The other two are Citigroup Inc. (C) and UBS AG. (UBSN)”. GE also gave the bulk of it’s donations to Republican candidates. If that isn’t good enough for you, how about: “The CEOs of Fortune 500 companies have given four times more to Mitt Romney’s campaign than to President Obama’s, according to an analysis by NBC News. Romney has taken $322,000 from those CEOs compared to Obama’s $75,500 according to the analysis. Perhaps Romney’s success with the CEOs is no surprise — he has promised massive tax cuts for both wealthy individuals and corporations should he become president, as well as a reform package that would make it easier for corporations to ship jobs overseas and hide foreign profits in tax havens”

    It is easy to accuse those who disagree with you of being ignorant, uneducated or fools, but that doesn’t make is so or or make non-facts suddenly truthful.

  25. Business is Hurting says - Posted: August 14, 2012

    Lisa, I don’t live in a time vacuum and I judge people based on their ability to stay the course of their convictions from election to election. Conservatives strive to be principled people that try to do what they think is right – not just what is good for them at the time.

    Your current numbers prove my point – they flocked to Obama when they saw him having the ability to help them – and for the bankers he most certainly did.

    Side note: NOT ONE CHARGE against any banker for the financial collapse… Where is the cry for justice? Holder, just walked away from Goldman charges this past week.

    Your numbers above support my argument – bank leaders and big corporations will go with whoever they think will do best for them at the time.

    A classic narsasistic progressive liberal by any other name.

  26. Business is Hurting says - Posted: August 14, 2012


    I don’t talk in terms of GOP – there are plenty of progressive liberals in the GOP and the Tea Party is doing their best to run them out.

    The issue to me is between conservative and liberal. There are a lot of people that don’t consider Romney to be a conservative.

    But between Obama and Romney anyone that loves freedom and truth will easily chose Romney over Obama, the most extreme liberal and divisive, dishonest President we have perhaps ever had.

    It is a shame how people could have voted for him in the first place. I chalk it up to Fools lead by the lame stream media –

    Obama supporters should feel duped, you were.

    America’s new anthem maybe should be ‘If I only Had A Brain’…

  27. thing fish says - Posted: August 14, 2012

    Which world do you live in?
    ‘But between Obama and Romney anyone that loves freedom and truth will easily chose Romney over Obama, the most extreme liberal and divisive, dishonest President we have perhaps ever had. ‘

    Look at that nonsense. Anything not GOP hates freedom.
    Your old president lied us into two wars….

  28. Biggerpicture says - Posted: August 14, 2012

    “Conservatives strive to be principled people that try to do what they think is right – not just what is good for them at the time.”

    Biz, your kidding, right?

    Like Mitt distancing himself from the healthcare system he instituted in Mass.? Or John McCain cozying up to the religious right during the ’08 election after distancing himself from them prior to that? Just to name two instances, but the list goes on and on!

  29. Dick Fox says - Posted: August 14, 2012

    Some people prefer to live in the alternative universe group that Abe Lincoln referred to as “The people you can fool all of the time.” I think it makes them feel better about having been wrong about everything their entire lives.

  30. Robert says - Posted: August 14, 2012

    And you know what happens when the FOX get in the hen house.

  31. Michael Lee says - Posted: August 14, 2012

    Even the GOP did not want Romney, they were stuck with him.
    Obama is definitely a lesser of evils. Stop the super pacs, fire Congress & the Senate. This republican lame duck, do nothing but try to keep him from another term has not help
    Not happy with Obama my self.
    Just vote…… but a Morman? Do not let your hate for Obama cloud your senses. It is all more of the same. Turn the TV off until December. Just vote and regardless whoever wins get behind them. That is the way it used to be. Now The hate for Obama is all the GOP sees. And nothing gets done……
    By the way, cash for clunkers, payroll tax break has helped me as small biz better than bush’s $200 admin gave me. Remember it is “ME the people”

  32. Parker says - Posted: August 14, 2012

    Wow, amazing how these discussions can get so off the subject! Bottom line, this fee is not a fee. It’s a tax! Period! And if someone is for it, they should also be for it to be proposed and passed or rejected in accordance with State Law!&

  33. D. says - Posted: November 6, 2012

    In Oct. 2007 I did everything I could to save my house in San Diego. I had to flee to a safer area with my children, which happened to be about 2 miles down the road. We were there along with other neighbors AND, probably, 25 fire trucks sitting there watching our houses burn up! They weren’t doing jack to help us out, just sitting there and i’m paying for that!
    I already pay a fire fee in my property tax and fire insurance is higher out here,also, and they want me to pay more? What the h_ll! I spend almost every weekend clearing my land, or pay someone to help out. Are they helping me with my brush clearing or keeping the roads up to their fire “standards”?
    These fees are already paid in the taxes we all pay to the state! Why are they only hitting the rural inhabitants with this tax? We actually help keep the areas clear. Why are the city folks not having to pay, also? The land CAL Fire and the state are talking about is public land, not private property! B.S. on making me pay and not the city folk, who probably use the public parks and campgrounds way more than me or most rural residents.

  34. D. says - Posted: November 6, 2012

    Oh, Yah! Just got my bill in the mail yesterday…

    San Diego

  35. Dogula says - Posted: November 6, 2012

    Paid my fee when I received it, under protest. Filled out the petition forms and sent them to the 3 official places they were supposed to go.
    Just this week got back 2 of the denials. Not that I expected them to send me back my money, but at least it’s on record that I protest this illegal tax.
    If any of you are thinking of simply ignoring the bill, that would be a mistake. The state will add penalties at a usurious rate AND place a lien on your property. In spite of the fact that what they have done is illegal. Better to register your displeasure in writing, voting, and perhaps supporting the inevitable legal challenge that will come.