Opinion: Ignoring the past does not nullify it


To the community,

Nullification by ignorance cancels a better world. For example, some business minds are pushing what’s called “creative destruction”. It’s a proposition that preaches greed is good. In other words, business is war.

Well, we’ve been there and done that. The idea would create another age of social Darwinism. The first round of social Darwinism is best represented by John D. Rockefeller (1839-1937) of Standard Oil. He employed the idea of survival of the fittest to drive out competition. In doing so he created a monopoly. By the way, Darwin did not coin the term survival of the fittest. That honor goes to Herbert Spencer.

Bill Crawford

It appears that creative destruction is making its presence felt. The trends and conditions in the United States point to the birth of a new Gilded Age in which a few on top are ultra rich living in luxury with Swiss bank accounts. The economic scraps they leave to those beneath them in the food chain.

The result of what is happening will be the death of agape, the belief that all people share a spiritual equality which is the foundation of democratic thought. Greed is good, so they say.

We can’t nullify the past by ignoring it, by being ignorant. If the past is ignored, the cycle will be repeated.

Bill Crawford, South Lake Tahoe



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Comments (7)
  1. Perry R. Obray says - Posted: August 7, 2012

    Supposedly around 25% of the people in this country have been distributing the around 10% left over resources(scraps) since the 70/80s at minimum. WASP control, kinda wondering what effect the digital age has had on WASP control.

  2. Biggerpicture says - Posted: August 7, 2012

    And we know what they say about over consumption and over accumulation.


  3. copper says - Posted: August 7, 2012

    Scratch a Tea Party Republican and you find an Ayn Rand Objectivist. Comic book political philosophy at its finest hour.

  4. TeaTotal says - Posted: August 7, 2012

    I hope the MitTwit nominates the pathetic randian Paul Ryan as his choice for VP. A thorough examination of his objectivist philosophy and “Ryan Plan” economic nightmare for the middle class will bring light to the bigoted, sociopathic, “greed is good” bovine excrement of the arch conservatives.

  5. Old Long Skiis says - Posted: August 7, 2012

    Ah yes, Ayn Rand and her twisted philosophy. It certainly changed my brother into believing “Greed is good and selfishness is a virtue”.
    Shame really, he was a good kid and still is but we just don’t agree on things that he has accepted as the right path towards happiness. Being selfish is good, he says.
    Helping others, Public education, any “public program” for that matter is bad, Social Security, Medi Care,health clinics,wellfare, food stamps even public works repairing our crumbling infrastructure are all wrong according to him. From what he tells me everything should be privatized. Deregulate everything and let the free maket take care of everything.
    From what I’ve seen privatizing public entities and letting large corporations write their own laws regarding the envirornment, price manipulation, tax loopholes so they pay no tax at all, wages, workers rights and a host of other things has not worked well at all!
    My hope is that the tea party crowd and those on the far right will wake up and realize they were duped by large corporations like the Koch Bros. and many others and were voting against their own best intrests. I can only hope these righties come to their senses.
    Take Care, Old Long Skiis

  6. Bob says - Posted: August 7, 2012

    It seems the cycle is being repeated down at Stateline with the Casino’s pushing for a new route behind them. Don’t think we’ll see another hole in the ground but could see something far worse – mega traffic jams and loss of business on HWY 50.

  7. dryclean says - Posted: August 7, 2012

    Bill, back to local issues please.