Opinion: Ignoring the past does not nullify it

To the community,

Nullification by ignorance cancels a better world. For example, some business minds are pushing what’s called “creative destruction”. It’s a proposition that preaches greed is good. In other words, business is war.

Well, we’ve been there and done that. The idea would create another age of social Darwinism. The first round of social Darwinism is best represented by John D. Rockefeller (1839-1937) of Standard Oil. He employed the idea of survival of the fittest to drive out competition. In doing so he created a monopoly. By the way, Darwin did not coin the term survival of the fittest. That honor goes to Herbert Spencer.

Bill Crawford

It appears that creative destruction is making its presence felt. The trends and conditions in the United States point to the birth of a new Gilded Age in which a few on top are ultra rich living in luxury with Swiss bank accounts. The economic scraps they leave to those beneath them in the food chain.

The result of what is happening will be the death of agape, the belief that all people share a spiritual equality which is the foundation of democratic thought. Greed is good, so they say.

We can’t nullify the past by ignoring it, by being ignorant. If the past is ignored, the cycle will be repeated.

Bill Crawford, South Lake Tahoe