Opinion: SnowGlobe should be silenced

To the community,

Seems the devil’s at it once more. SnowGlobe is again a-go. It’s hard to fathom who is in control in bringing back this nuisance to town.

My logic instructor, Dr. Patch, thought you can’t have a universe of discourse without first defining the terms. So, what is a nuisance? Webster’s New College Dictionary (1995) defines nuisance as “vexatious, a bother that interferes with legal rights by causing damage.” When reviewing SnowGlobe’s first production in town, Webster’s definition of a nuisance fits SnowGlobe’s performance. It was vexation, an annoyance, an irritation. For some folks it created physical discomfort. Noise so loud that there was no escaping the boom, boom pounding. It was an invasion of privacy disturbing citizens’ right to be left alone in their homes.

Bill Crawford

And, of course, the promoters breached the agreement by ignoring the time when the noise was to end. But alas the nuisance will return to cause walls to shake and to induce headaches. Give the devil his due.

Bill Crawford, South Lake Tahoe

PS: The City Council’s 3-2 vote at the Aug. 21 meeting on postponing the Aug. 28 public hearing on the loop road was out of order because the loop road was not on the agenda. I have spoken to the city attorney about the breach of the rules by the council. He was surprised to hear it.