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This article was written by admin


Comments (14)
  1. hmmm... says - Posted: August 22, 2012

    I assume by ‘women’s issues you mean birth control and abortion. Until we(males) are able to become pregnant and carry a baby to term, no.

  2. Lisa says - Posted: August 22, 2012

    Well the man in the first comment says no and here I am a confirmed feminist saying yes… That is humorous by itself! But these are all societal issues as well. That being said, no one should be able to restricts others people’s freedoms based on their religious beliefs. Ultimately views on abortion and birth control are religious decisions.

  3. j . says - Posted: August 22, 2012

    If women can vote on anything they like so should men.

  4. Bob says - Posted: August 22, 2012

    Why not? They talk about us all the time.

  5. dumbfounded says - Posted: August 22, 2012

    Is there really any issue that is women only or men only? This would be a slippery slope indeed.

  6. k9woods says - Posted: August 22, 2012

    There should be no voting involved. These matters are best considered and determined by the woman, her doctor and those who know and love her. No one else gets a say……

  7. Tahoeadvocate says - Posted: August 22, 2012

    It isn’t any of my business what you do with regards to birth control, abortion, etc. until you start asking the government to pay for it. Then it becomes a taxpayer (voter) issue whether to allow money to be spent but not whether you have the personal right to use your own money.

  8. TrueTahoeCitizen says - Posted: August 23, 2012

    If you are a true believer in equality of the sexes, there should be no labeling as womens’or mens’ issues. Abortion and birth control are not only religious issues but legal ones regarding when we, as a nation, recognize human life. Is the answer to this question found in science, law, religion? Does it differ based on the evaluators sex?

  9. Rose says - Posted: August 23, 2012

    But there ARE women’s issues…if I become preganant, it’s my issue, and I certainly don’t want some piece of legislation telling me what I can do with my body nor my zygote. Here is the deal: all women need to get out and vote in November. All young women need to recognize that rights they complacently enjoy could very well be taken away. Young women need to know that the language of “legistimate rape” and other ridiculous and damaging words are just another form of violence against women. Of course everyone has the right to vote, but I would hope the educated, the enlightened, the kind, the compassionate vote–flood the poles, people. Please.

  10. Dick Fox says - Posted: August 23, 2012

    All women should know that the GOP platform to be introduced at convention next week has anti-choice wording that is absolutely in line with Senate candidate Rep. Todd Akin’s ignorant anti-science view of the world. VP candidate Paul Ryan co-sponsored legislation with him that is dangerous to women’s mental and physical health.

  11. Big Jerk says - Posted: August 24, 2012

    I don’t think women should be allowed to vote.

  12. Tahoe Chauv says - Posted: August 24, 2012

    By women’s issues I assume you mean things like cooking, cleaning, laundry and such. Men must have their voices heard on such issues. If women had it their way we’d never get out shirts starched and there probably wouldn’t be mayo on my roast beef.

  13. Dan Wilvers says - Posted: August 24, 2012

    That being said, no one should be able to restricts others people’s freedoms based on their religious beliefs.
    Quote by Lisa

    We have free speech, am I free to lie?

    Would it then be wrong to legislate lies (we have many laws against lying on the books) because I believe in the Ten Commandments, one of which says, “Do not lie”?

  14. Local Yokle says - Posted: September 7, 2012

    If taxes are involved than all taxed should have a say.

    I believe women should have the final say in what happens to their body. I also believe that all tax payers should have an equal voice in what is done with their money. We as a population need to come to terms with the many differing views on birth control, abortion and health care.

    I have my views but this does not give me the right to negate the views of other who see things differently. I would not my taxes going to a religious organization any more than some religious folks want to pay for women’s birth control.

    What is the right answer… Keep watching the ballot and the courts and we shall see who wins out. I suspect our Constitution and laws will get us where we need to be.

    Local Yokle