Stand-up paddlers promoting vegan diet

By Sparks Tribune

On Aug. 31, Kings Beach resident John Merryfield and a group of extreme stand-up paddlers will embark on a stand-up paddle circumnavigating Lake Tahoe to promote the Vegan One Day project, a challenge for everyone to adopt a vegan diet (no meat, dairy or eggs) for at least one day of the year.

To highlight the challenge, a group of extreme stand-up paddlers will complete the entire 72 mile trek in one day, paddling all day and all night powered by a vegan diet and a commitment to create a better world. Merryfield says the intense physical and psychological strain of the 72 mile paddle in one day is nothing compared to the extremely cruel conditions endured by animals on factory farms.

The group will paddle at night along the eastern shore under a full moon, greet sunrise near Emerald Bay and hope to return to Kings Beach by dusk. Merryfield is confident that paddle will inspire others to see that a whole foods diet is a celebration of life.

A community, vegan pot luck is scheduled on the beach in Kings Beach on Aug. 31 at 6pm as the paddlers embark on their journey. To learn more about the Vegan One Day project, go online and take the pledge to go vegan for one day.