Tahoe Pipe Club wants to know how people are protecting the lake


Tahoe Pipe Club wants to know people’s favorite activity that makes them feel like they are saving Tahoe’s clarity.

Ballots are online.

The categories are:

1. Put a Lake Tahoe sticker on your car

2. Have your motor boat inspected for invasive species 3. Buy a “Protect Lake Tahoe” license plate for your car 4. Install your residential BMPs

5. Attend the presidential summit

6. Pick up after your dog

7. Read the State of the Lake report

8. Use native plants in your landscaping

9. Pee in a toilet and not the lake

10. Spend a lot of money.






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Comments (12)
  1. Biggerpicture says - Posted: August 14, 2012

    1. Put a Lake Tahoe sticker on your car

    And this helps to protect the lake how?
    You mean like putting an American flag sticker on my car suddenly elevates my level of patriotism?

    Only 4 out of the above 10 (or 6,8,9 and the first part of 2)(I don’t include household BMP’s because no science to back that up) actually MIGHT make a difference.

  2. bob rockwell says - Posted: August 14, 2012

    I keep my boat in top condition (thank you Jack and your crew at MTR!) my bilge on that old Bayliner is spotless. Clean up after the dog and cat daily.
    Now my yard is a mixture of native and non native plants. But hey, I just picked my first zucchini! Never eaten so much salad in my life till this summer!
    Greatly reduced my VMT (vehicle miles traveled), plan everything so I make one circuit to the P.O the store and then home.
    I’ll admit I peed in the lake as a kid but no longer do so.. And yes I’ll also admit I have a “Keep Tahoe Blue” sticker on the the rear bumper of my truck. Just seemed like the right thing to do at the time.
    BMP’S? No, just a waste of money, time and resources.
    Take Care,Old Long Skiis

  3. thing fish says - Posted: August 14, 2012

    Are people really falling for this?
    The group is a joke, go to their website and read the science section.

  4. Miss Frugal says - Posted: August 14, 2012

    Hmmmm….wonder why we don’t have a choice to say that we ride or walk to work and other activities. I know I’m not the only one who chooses not to drive everywhere.

  5. DAVID DEWITT says - Posted: August 14, 2012

    Reading the suggestions from the enviros in the Tahoe valley is more fun than reading the funny papers.

  6. King fisher says - Posted: August 14, 2012

    What in their science section of the website is a joke? Please elaborate… Almost all of it is peer reviewed published information. It doesn’t appear like their making this stuff up. Where else can one access such large amounts of research and compiled information on varying topics in one easy to navigate area. Go to the science section… See for yourself….

  7. KnowBears says - Posted: August 14, 2012

    How about cleaning up everybody else’s litter every time we go to the beach?

    I DO spend a lot of money. It’s called “property taxes”.

    (I don’t mind taxes at all, really. I want the services they support — 911 response being #1 on my list.)

    But I’m not clear my tax money is helping to save the lake’s clarity. I’m pretty d*mned clear the BMPs I’m forced to maintain are meaningless. Curb the spewing of all that spews from Tahoe Keys and then you’ll see a real difference!

    What an incredibly dumb survey/ballot/whatever!

  8. David says - Posted: August 15, 2012

    satire (n.) – wit, irony or sarcasm used to expose and discredit vice or folly.

  9. nature bats last says - Posted: August 15, 2012

    Sadly, cleaning up other (mindless) peoples garbage, trash and dog droppings.

  10. Yukon Jack says - Posted: August 15, 2012

    So thing fish, what in their science page is a joke? All of their references are from the USGS, EPA, NRCS, ASCE, numerous universities, peer reviewed journals etc. Are you just joking yourself and you actually support their technical positions? Can you offer a rebuttal to the science presented at their web site?

  11. Craven Moorehead says - Posted: August 25, 2012

    I do what I can. I just want to use this forum to make a suggesttion. How stupid are the fireworks? Why not have a lazer light show from a barge on the lake pointed at tallac? No smoke, burnt cardboard(from the pyros) no more crap in the lake. Oh, that’s right,its about money. We could be a one of a kind fireworks destination, I think that might attract a crowd.

  12. Dylan E says - Posted: September 14, 2012

    Know Bears, you said you know your BMPs are meaningless, so you’re agreeing with the ballot. Why did you think it’s stupid?

    Pipe Club is advocating that your tax paying dollars are being used the way they are meant to be, and in the case of water quality they have shown time and time again that the storm drain system at Tahoe needs alterations. Should we prolong the problem by putting curbs and gutters around the lake or should we infiltrate the storm water like it would naturally do?