Tahoe residents work on New Yorker’s Burning Man artwork

A team of 50 craftsmen from across the country, including people in Lake Tahoe, is creating The Life Cube, an interactive public art installation at Burning Man.

Scott Cohen will begin on-site construction in the Black Rock Desert of Nevada in mid–August.

“I am overwhelmed with their support — donations of time, materials, tools, and other resources to help make my dream a reality,” Cohen said in an email to Lake Tahoe News of the support he has received.

Only a few art projects are authorized for burning at the end of the weeklong festival. The Life Cube will be one of them.

Cohen said he conceived The Life Cube as an aesthetic interpretation of his own belief that if you write down your goals, wishes and milestones, you will have a better chance of achieving them.

“The Life Cube’s art installation offers a stimulating and thoughtful place for people to meet and reflect on what they want in life, and encourages them to post their messages and deposit their written goals and aspirations into slots in the Cube,” the New York artist said. “TLC burns at week’s end in a cathartic fire ceremony committing all the wishes to ash and flame.”

The burning will be at midnight Sept. 1.