Clean Tahoe recognized by state for its efforts

Caltrans Adopt-A-Highway Program honored the Clean Tahoe Program with the 2011 Adopt –A-Highway Program Volunteer of the Year award for the group’s outstanding efforts in keeping a portion of Highway 50 from the Y to state line in South Lake Tahoe clean.

“It is a thankless job to pick up litter on the side of our state highway,” Caltrans District 3 Director Jody Jones said in a statement. “Volunteers like those from the Clean Tahoe Program are helping to keep their community clean.”

The award was presented at the Clean Tahoe Program board meeting Sept. 20.

Clean Tahoe volunteers have been picking up litter along Highway 50 in South Lake Tahoe since they adopted the roadside in May 2003.

The Adopt-A-Highway program, which began in 1989, has been one of the most truly successful government-public partnerships of all time. More than 120,000 Californians volunteer annually to clean and enhanced over 15,000 shoulder-miles of roadside.