DiMatteo denied bail


Gino DiMatteo was denied bail at a hearing Sept. 7 in Placerville.

The South Lake Tahoe resident accused of bribing City Councilwoman Angela Swanson and being in possession of drugs for sale is next scheduled to be in court on Sept. 10.

DiMatteo’s bail is $27,500 for each of the four counts. However, there is an addendum that allows a judge to deny bail if it is believed the money that would be used to post bail would come from felonious activities.

Deputy District Attorney Jame Clinchard, who is prosecuting the case, was not available for comment.

Charges against Swanson have not been filed, nor will the DA’s Office say if any are likely to be.

 — Lake Tahoe News staff report


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This article was written by admin


Comments (21)
  1. SLT Voter says - Posted: September 7, 2012

    What happened to innocent until proven guilty?

  2. Dogula says - Posted: September 7, 2012

    Serious flight risk.

  3. nonamous says - Posted: September 7, 2012

    definitely guilty.

  4. fatal says - Posted: September 7, 2012

    hopefully ya’ll know Gino is NO local-just here to capitalize and was trying to squeeze his competition out to get the monopoly-and it is about time someone started nailing the city council for lining their pockets-which one of them haven’t? anyone who has lived here for a while knows the council has been smelling like fish for a good 30 years

  5. Another X Local says - Posted: September 8, 2012

    Money, drugs, corruption & City officials is nothing new. Anybody remember former Mayor Terry Trupp? Or any of the other scandals involving City officials for that matter…

  6. john says - Posted: September 8, 2012

    Even if its nothing new in our town, it still needs to be dealt with when discovered.

  7. Ted Long says - Posted: September 8, 2012

    Not true he was not denied the hearing was set for Monday, big difference. What people need to remember is what makes this country great is not how many people we put in jail, Hitler has a lock on that statistic. What makes use great is that ever citizen can go to bed at night knowing he has rights. The right to be innocent until proven guilty, the right to confront witness, the right to an attorney and perhaps the most basic path to justice the right to bail. I know its easy to assume, “well he was arrested, must be guilty” I have tried hundreds of cases in my career and over 90 % were found not guilty by a jury of there piers. People around the world, Egypt, China and more are willing to die, confronting evil dictators to get, not a new car or television, but the right to a fair trial, bail and to be free from indiscriminate arrest. Think about it folks, if Di Matteo can be held like this, his second week in jail, charged in a non violent crime, so could you, at this time its not about guilt or innocent the DA can say anything, its about the right to justice and a fair hearing.
    The sad truth is that you may be innocent, yet you spend days, perhaps week in jail while the district attorney plays games, thousands of dollars on attorneys and your reputation damaged then freedom. Mr. Di Matteo is charged with bribing a public official yet the public official walks free? Not to say she is guilty, I do not believe that she is nor is Gino, but isn’t strange that the medical marijuana shop manager is in jail while she is not? Sounds like politics as usual. Mr. . Di Matteo is a property owner, a businessman with 30 employees that depend on them to support their families, what about them? He has a family like most of us what about them? All he is asking is freedom to aid in his defense, to run his business, to be with his family, it could be you, your rights are only as good as his, and right know I’d be worried if I were you.

  8. admin says - Posted: September 8, 2012

    The information written by LTN came from county officials.

    Kathryn Reed, LTN publisher

  9. lou pierini says - Posted: September 8, 2012

    Ted, When was the last time you had a trial by jury result in a not gulity verdict? Any by the way did they have a felony conviction in their past?

  10. Dogula says - Posted: September 8, 2012

    I don’t think I’d like it if my lawyer was making comments about my case in the comments section of the local newspapers. Not at all.
    But then, I’d never hire a lawyer who made threats in the local papers’ blogs against people who have criticized him, either.
    But that’s just my opinion.

  11. thing fish says - Posted: September 8, 2012

    ‘ Mr. Di Matteo is charged with bribing a public official yet the public official walks free?’

    Because the public official was not in possession of an illegal synthetic drug?

    What a dumb question.

  12. nature bats last says - Posted: September 8, 2012

    Ted Long just likes to hear himself talk. I would be worried if he was my Lawyer.

  13. Dick Fox says - Posted: September 8, 2012

    Attorney/gadfly Ted is Tahoe’s resident Gloria Allred.~

  14. 4-mer-usmc says - Posted: September 8, 2012

    Hey Ready Teddy Long:

    It appears that the problem with Gino’s not getting out of jail is caused by the suspicion that the funds DiMatteo may use to post bail came from felonious activities. As DiMatteo’s stated friend and personal “Consigliere” perhaps you should pony up the bucks, or use your home as collateral and spring the guy. Friends don’t allow friends to rot in jail Ted, and I’m certain you have every confidence that Gino can be trusted not to jump bail and leave you holding the bag. This community is waiting for you to do the right thing for your friend.

  15. Bob says - Posted: September 8, 2012

    I wouldn’t be renewing my PUSH membership till this is over. ABC financial could be looking over your shoulder wanting the balance on a membership for a gym that doesn’t exist.

  16. john says - Posted: September 8, 2012

    Ted, I WAS confronted with the same circumstances as your Lowlife client/friend\business partner as a result of him setting me up to be arrested. He gets no sympathy! My 3 young children were almost lost to the system because of Gino’s greed. Half of his family should be in jail too! And if your trying to paint Gino as a gentle business man that is ridiculous. Those of us that know him have been given the image (by Gino’s bragging) that he is a calculated violent crime boss. You are opening a can of worms Ted.

  17. john says - Posted: September 8, 2012

    N Ted, It almost seems like your acting like a kid, playing the, its not fair that Ginos in timeout n not Angela Swanson too game. The council member was not a felon in possession of ammunition ( Where’s the gun that’s obviously not registered?). Or controlled substances for sale. Wonder if the authorities dug up all the plastic a.b.s. capsules in Ginos backyard yet? You know the ones with unaccounted for cash and unregistered firearms.

  18. worried in Lake Tahoe says - Posted: September 9, 2012

    I think that the city is jealous of Gino because he is a success and making honest money. The counsel has been against him from the start even if they allowed him to open and run a dispensary. Should the people who used his dispensary be worried that the police might overtake their homes. After all the police have all of his records now.

  19. Lou pieri I says - Posted: September 9, 2012

    Ted, waiting for answers to many ? Posted above. We will assume your in the wind and the comments are all true

  20. SLT Voter says - Posted: September 9, 2012

    Lou pieri I,
    Maybe Ted is busy, I am sure he has a lot of things to take care of right now. Just because he did not respond does not mean that the comments are true.

  21. Aaron says - Posted: September 11, 2012

    Dear Worried, Making honest money? What you been smokin’????

    Hey Gino, did you find Dave yet? I hear he’s hiding out from you.