DiMatteo released from jail
By Kathryn Reed
Gino DiMatteo on Sept. 12 was released from El Dorado County jail in Placerville on bail.
Ted Long is DiMatteo’s attorney of record. He is working with the Woelfel Law Firm in South Lake Tahoe. Rob Woelfel represented DiMatteo in court Wednesday because Long was out of town, however he was not immediately available for comment.
DiMatteo was arrested Aug. 31 on multiple drug charges and bribery. He has pleaded not guilty to all counts.
DiMatteo until earlier this summer ran a medical marijuana dispensary in town. However, a felon was not supposed to ever be able to open such a business in South Lake Tahoe.
South Lake Tahoe officials said a background check, including fingerprints, was done on DiMatteo but nothing surfaced that would have stopped the process.
Even though those records should go back forever, DiMatteo’s 1999 weapons conviction did not surface. This could in part be because DiMatteo also goes by Sergio Franco Ottomanelli and this was not known at the time.
The form DiMatteo had to fill out with the city asked if he had been convicted of a crime in the last 10 years. It did not ask if he went by any other names.
South Lake Tahoe City Councilwoman Angela Swanson is the elected official the El Dorado County District Attorney’s Office says DiMatteo bribed. She has not been charged with any crime.
Swanson is not returning calls. Neither is James Clinchard, the El Dorado County deputy district attorney prosecuting the case.
Bummer. We’ll see if he turns up for his trial. I wouldn’t bet on it.
Nice report.
Thanks for the information.
Local Yokle
Dogula, I’ll pose a similar question I posed on another thread. You would advocate holding Mr. DiMatteo in custody at a hefty daily sum paid for by the taxpayers of El Dorado County for the crimes of selling marijuana, and bribery (giving an education charity $1200+ dollars)? You “less” government folk need to to get your priorities AND your message straight!
Well, their platform only wants smaller government for certain people. Their justice platform tends to beef up the prison-industrial complex. How are private prisons supposed to turn a profit if we don’t give them more slaves?
The original story said he was charged with possession of “bath salts” as well as trafficking. He was sending LARGE amounts of marijuana back east. Along with the bribery thing. So there’s a lot more to this guy, than selling some pot. He’s a wanna be thug, who won’t have any friends to run home to, when they hear about him wearing a wire. That’s a no no, in New Jersey, but perfectly acceptable here in Cali.
Ah, Bigs, I’m not the one who has the message problem. We “anti-gubmint types” as you like to call us, believe government does have certain responsibilities. And one of those is to protect honest citizens from thugs. If you want someone like gino hanging out freely near your family, well good for you. Personally, I think drugs should be legal, but someone who has been as deeply involved in such a broad assortment of criminal activities is probably someone I’d prefer to keep in custody. Not that we like the idea of air conditioned prisons with tv’s and computers and all the comforts of home. No, most of us would prefer a dark cell, a couple of bologna sandwiches a day and some water. Definitely no AC, no tv, no internet, no phone. That’d be a lot cheaper.
I am out of town but available from e mail, what is it you want to know. Gino is out and we are prepared for trial, my guess is that know that he is free the rest will go away. There is no case, big surprisse, the guy who legally ran a dispensory that was improperly closed on very short notive had some grass left over?
The most reavealing about this is the refusal of the DA to say anything, could it be there is nothing to say? In every bibry case inn history the first person arrested id the publc official, we all know Angela is innocent, just makes a good story. Look forward to the next chapter.
Legally ran a dispensary? Under an alias? Because he wouldn’t have been allowed under his real name right? Personally I would never trust an attorney who can’t spell, or put together a proper sentence. I would expect a better grasp on grammar, than the average Joe, but I’m sure it’s fine for someone who has the background of Gino.
I wonder how Darkside-ula voted on legislation to raise taxes to solve prison over-crowding or for greater out-of-prison rehab a few years ago. Put more people away, stay tough on crime, but ‘heck no’ to a penal system that provides justice and makes better citizens.
Who cares about this guy! He doesn’t do anything for our community.
Lawyer Man- You’re a tard for commenting. Next time use grammar check.
IMHO,,, hiring Ted Long as your legal counsel ? That pretty much explains the whole story to me. Good luck with that Gino or whatever name you are going by this week. You might not be “convicted” of anything but in the US legal system that doesn’t mean you are not “guilty”. (OJ). I don’t know what the Swanson connection is but she also needs to be investigated and either cleared or charged. The whole SLT City Council (in general, over the years) has been whomever wanted to push their own personal special agenda(in office and after their term) that the citizens elect as the lesser evil of the available choices at the time.
The public would like to review these two civil complaints.
Kathryn Reed or Ted Long please respond.
Gino also goes by the name Gino Ottomanelli. He wore a wire in 2000 to bring down a major crime family who was going to Rob the New York times! Look it up it’s all over the Internet. This is what “Gino” does. He is scum. Let “Gino” know that we know and let’s get him outta town!! Even the Mafia doesn’t want him!
Mr. Long needs to go back to English class.
Mr. Long, do yourself a favor and “zip-it-hippy”. You are not helping yourself or your case by blogging here. In fact, you are disgracing the legal profession!
Too bad he didn’t have a wire with Swanson. This story would be dead by now.
geno is a snitch he was working with slednet i know for sure he will snith his way out of this one too hope he gets it back 10 fold. snitch
ted long is not only a joke but he purgured himself in court by saying he has always had his attorneys liscense. He is just a joke and it will show in time as this thing unraveles.
He laundered money through his wife’s tattoo shop. Guaranteed. That’s one way he disguised how much illegal money he was funneling. Fact.
One term Ted will do anything to keep his name in the public spot light, including defending drug dealers. It’s also funny how in the Tribune article one term Ted said he had a long standing history in Tahoe by serving two terms on the City council and was on over 30 committee assignments, you sir are a liar, you served one term and lost your seat in your failed reelection attempt. In addition to that, you were on no more than a handfull of committes because they are divided up among all the council members. Remember folks this is a guy who has lost his law license multiple times for various reasons, was recalled by the voters when serving as a council member, was elected in SLT, turns around and runs for ELDO Supervisor after sending out a paper back copy of his life in a book “A life recycled” if that’s not egotistical enough, loses that election, does nothing on the city council, runs for reelection loses, now this… I find it even more distrubing Ted would take soneone like Gino to the highschool of ALL places to meet studebt athletes to better his conmunity ties, BS, maybe its to find a new client base….One term Ted, like Steve kubby please please please just go away….
Young Mr. Davis, I think your comment on this PUBLIC forum is a bit more venomous than I or maybe others might expect from one who wears the uniform of the Douglas County Sheriff’s Department. I have a great deal of respect for those that serve to protect our safety within the community, but I do hope that they hold THEMSELVES to a wee bit higher of a standard as it pertains to how they behave in the public eye.
Bigger picture, my comments were written as a private citizen which I am, and my comments may be harsh and direct but if you do check on their truthfulness you will see I”m spot on. As a private citizen and member of the South Lake Tahoe community I have the right to speak my mind and this is how I feel.. It’s odd how you won’t reveal your true identity but you hide behind this screen name. What did I say that you seem to find so venomous? I guess the truth and the facts hurt
I am sure the DA was glad Ted was under oath so a purgury charge could be filed. Maybe Gino was wearing a wire.
JT Davis:
I agree with your comments on Ted Long but you failed to mention an investigation into his financial management fiduciary responsibilities when he served on the Clean Tahoe Program Board of Directors during his ONE term on the City Council prior to losing his re-election bid. This is an understandable oversight as the escapades of “Ready Teddy Long” are likely too numerous to track.
Oh ya, I forgot about that one too, just to many shady and unanswered things in regards to One term Ted…
Young Mr. Davis (and many others throwing accusations around on this forum), although you are guaranteed the right to voice your opinions publicly, it is also the right of others to view that opinion as petty mudslinging, and have the right to opine to that effect! Regardless of whether we do so anonymously or not!
ted’s a lot smarter than you are, JT, and you merely re-affirm the adage ‘what the ignorant fear they feel compelled to destroy’…
Which accusations of mine are incorrect? Did Ted only serve one term? Fact, did Ted run for reflection and lose, fact. Did Ted run for ELDO supervisor and loose, fact. Did Ted mail out mass copies of his auto bio, fact. Was Ted recalled from a previous city council, fact. So again where did I go astray and how is the truth and the facts about a person who is out there stating he is qualified and making false statements by his own accord, amount to mudslinging!!! I’m happy to have a debate in public or over a cup of coffee or beer with anyone anywhere and any time
I dont fear anything, I’m simply pointing out the truth, you don’t know me so how can you draw the conclusion Ted is smarter than I am? Please enlighten me
unattainable goal
Daddy Tom Davis !!! Fight your own demons! It is obvious that JT has been schooled by and writes on your behalf.
Shame on you.
What unattainable goal? Mr. Campbell, I think and speak for myself as does my father, you sir are not even apart of this community any more and beside what you read in the papers, you have no real clue what is taking place in our community, Gino is not who he says he is and has a hidden agenda and Long is his water boy, they both have not produced positive results for our community, hope Oregan is treating you well, as I believe thats where you reside… Correct me if I’m wrong!!!
The story the Mtn. Democrat was interesting. Especially the part where Ginos atty. Claimed no knowledge of a man named Santos. SANTOS IS WHO RAN GINOS ILLEGAL DISTRUBUTION IN NEW YORK/NEW JERSEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The authorities need to look at Ginos surveillence footage. I am certain they could I.D. Santos on there. He was at COA often in o9 and early 2010 until he was caught in new york. Havnt seen him since. But Santos is a real person.
We need the IRS to look into anyone who had any dealings with this clown. Everyone knows he did everything in cash. I would hate for him to be the ONLY one who goes down.
J T Davis, you are right on 100% regarding Ted Long. He purgered himself in court and if they don’t do anything about it than our system is truly corrupt. He just wants his name in the paper (or on blogs) because that is the only way he has any life. I’m not surprised that he is buddies with such a crook as Gino. Pathetic person that he is.
Kudos to JT Davis for speaking the truth and actually saying what many feel. I just love how the direct truth gets twisted by some as mudslinging, when in reality they are blinded by the facts or ignorant themselves. Ted and Gino are truly 2 buds in the same bong… With that said, I can say this, I know both Tom and JT personally, and though I don’t always agree with their views or opinions, I know that both men are of high integrity and honesty, always have been. They have both worked hard and are deeply involved in this community and with their only goal being to see Lake Tahoe strive to be a success for those that work, play, and visit here. I hope this points out the stark differences between people like the Davis”s and people like Long and Gino…
Tahoe K, my criticism of the young Mr. Davis never questioned his honesty, but did question what you consider his ‘high integrity’. Just speaking the truth does not always make it right unless it is done so in a civil manner pertinent to the issue at hand. If memory serves it is Mr. DiMatteo who has been charged with a crime, yet Mr. Davis feels the need to belittle Mr. Long for providing council to Mr. DiMatteo, a constitutionally guaranteed right that EVERY citizen has regardless of being guilty OR innocent of the charges levied against them. And with Mr. Davis being a law enforcement officer, one would think he would have more respect for the legal process, that he is an integral part of every day he put’s on his uniform, and let it play out, instead of testifying against the defense in the court of public opinion. And also want to point out that I never compared Both the junior and senior Mr. Davis to Mr. DiMatteo and Mr. Long.
Also, IF Young Mr. Davis wore the uniform of the SLT PD, how would the DA, and the PD, feel about the comments that he has posted on this thread in regards to this case, whether he made them AS an officer OR as a private citizen?
Bigger picture, since I have no clue who you are of how long you have lived in Lake Tahoe, I can’t comment on your knowledge or involvement in the community. With that said, Mr. Davis works for an agency that is in a different county and state and he does have the right to speak his mind. I’m guessing since he lives in Lake Tahoe he pays taxes here and is obsoulsy involved with this community. I’m sure Mr. Davis is smart enough and professional enough to know what he can or cant do. As I see it from his posts, he seems to have a distaste for Gino and his antics and his bigger issue seems to be Longs shady history, comments and the fact he took Gino to the highschool seeing Gino’s real story is surfacing, but as Mr Davis himself he’s a big boy and can handle himself just fine. I was just stating my approval for his courage to say what he knows and feels
Tahoe K, 3 decades of knowledge AND involvement in our community. Have known the Davis family for 20 years, and have a great deal of respect for them all, but do expect ANY public servant to hold themselves to a higher level of discretion, whether I do or do not know them, OR like them.
Bigger picture; Have you ever taken the time to sit down and talk with JT? He is a very passionate, intelligent and knowledgeable man. If not, I encourage you to do so. As I stated before I’m not his keeper or defender, I just happen to agree with him. I implore you to ponder this since your screen name is Bigger picture, does any of the facts stated such as Mr. Long shall we say altering or beefing up his creditalis or resume to make himself appear more involved or qualified in the public eye even when it is not true concern or upset you? Does that facts of Gino, his business, his legal problems or his drug and crime lifestyle that is starting to emerge concern you at all? I am concerned that with ALL these new developments emerging that Mr. Long would take such a person to the high school to meet students and student athletes. I don’t want my kids anywhere near a person like Gino or that lifestyle. Granted he is innocent until proven guilty, the previous legal issues and crimes make me very nervous.