DiMatteos likely won’t be allowed to post bail


By Kathryn Reed

Gino and Irene DiMatteo of South Lake Tahoe remained in separate El Dorado County jails Monday after having been arrested Aug. 31 on drug charges.

Gino DiMatteo, 43, was being housed in Placerville on $37,500 bail. He faces charges of felony possession of a controlled substance, possession of marijuana for sale, and bribing a public official.

His 36-year-old wife was being held in the South Lake Tahoe jail on $25,000 bail. She faces felony charges of possession of marijuana for sale, possession of concentrate cannabis, and conspiracy to commit a crime.

Gino DiMatteo

It is possible neither will be able to post bail based on the penal code tacked on to their charges that says, “Bail, pursuant to this chapter, shall not be accepted unless a judge or magistrate finds that no portion of the consideration, pledge, security, deposit, or indemnification paid, given, made, or promised for its execution was feloniously obtained.”

DiMatteo used to operate City of Angel’s II marijuana dispensary. He had to close it down this summer when the landlord evicted him and the city denied his application to move the business.

At the Aug. 21 South Lake Tahoe City Council meeting DiMatteo’s $1 million claim against the city for not letting him move his pot shop was denied by the council. The council has scheduled a special closed session meeting related to the claim for 8:15am Sept. 4.

DiMatteo currently owns Push Fitness, which remains open.

No new details about who was allegedly bribed have been forth coming since Lake Tahoe News broke the story on Friday.




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Comments (10)
  1. Art says - Posted: September 3, 2012

    There has to be more to this story. This sounds like the authorities are running the DiMatteos out of town. They close his store and than raid his home. I am very suspicious of this city council and all agencies invovlved. FREE GINO!

  2. Upper Truckee says - Posted: September 3, 2012

    Bribery? Burger + Soda? Public official?
    1 million dollar claim against city? Closed session tomorrow morning?

    The truth to all of this will be known!

  3. Bogie says - Posted: September 3, 2012

    Closed session? So much for a transparent local government.

    The economy in south lake is fueled by illegal labor just to keep city counsel in office. If most of your residents can’t vote, the money stays in power.

  4. joe says - Posted: September 3, 2012

    Censorship equals tyrany.this is not a freedom of speach crow

  5. Unknown says - Posted: September 3, 2012

    He deserves the max sentence for everything. He is a dirtbag and has done absolytley nothing for this town except cause trouble. Go back to Jersey you dirty whop!!

  6. itsme says - Posted: September 3, 2012

    Ginos dirty deeds have caught up to him. As a former business associate of his, I can assure you that what activities are being alleged has been under investigation for some time now. And they are worth some looking into

  7. tahoe4ever says - Posted: September 3, 2012

    City politics will always drive the police department to do what they do-…It’s really too bad. I don’t believe in the marijuana places, but these people were given a license by the city to do so. Once the people of the city expressed their complaints, then city council changed their opinion. This fiasco was all brought on by the city council them selves, and if they would listen to the people before making decisions like this in the future, then maybe this kind of reaction can be avoided. I feel for this couple, they have gotten tangled in yet another political disaster of our small town city.

  8. itsme says - Posted: September 3, 2012

    This couple is evil. Theres nothing to feel bad for. They both smile to your face and stab you in the back.

  9. 4-mer-usmc says - Posted: September 3, 2012


    “Go back to Jersey you dirty whop!!”?

    How dare you use a racial slur! And you’re so ignorant you don’t even know what that acronym means–it’s WOP, for “Without Out Papers” and was a slang term that U.S. immigration workers used when countless Italian people entered the United States who had no immigration papers. They came in search of a better life, just like so many others from countless other countries.

    Your comment is completely offensive and you should go back to wherever you came from.

    Spouse of 4-mer-usmc who is an Italian American

  10. istme says - Posted: September 3, 2012

    The racial stuff is lame. Unknown seems like a coward that hasnt had the nerve to say that to gino s face so its posted here.