Ed foundation admits taking money from known felon


By Kathryn Reed

“After several days of no comments, I feel that it is time to make a more detailed statement about the rumors that have been published as fact,” Lake Tahoe Educational Foundation President Nancy Rollston wrote in a Sept. 9 email to her board and others.

The press release that was sent to only one media outlet on Sept. 10 – and Lake Tahoe News was not that outlet – confirms what Lake Tahoe News has already published. And that is that disgraced South Lake Tahoe City Councilwoman Angela Swanson was at a meeting where Rollston took a donation of $1,128 from Gino DiMatteo.

But the nonprofit education group does not explain the odd dollar amount that was delivered in cash in a bag.

DiMatteo was arrested Aug. 31 on charges of bribing Swanson and various drug related infractions. He has pleaded not guilty to all charges. Swanson has not been charged.

DiMatteo is a felon. Lake Tahoe News last week asked the city attorney, city manager and police chief the following questions: Can you please give me Gino’s application for his pot shop? Was a criminal check done? What did it turn up? I thought if anyone had a criminal background, they couldn’t open a pot shop if they had a criminal background. Where is the truth in that?

No one from the city has answered any of those questions.

El Dorado County Deputy District Attorney James Clinchard, who is prosecuting the case, continues not to return phone calls. So, Swanson’s future is unknown.

The press release says a foundation officer was interviewed by district attorney’s investigators Aug. 31. The other officers besides Rollston are Pradip Patel-vice president, Jerry Bindel-treasurer, Debra McHugh-secretary, and Chris Campion-past president.

The press release says, “Although Angela Swanson was present, she did not accept the contribution.” Swanson is on the ed foundation board.

That does not exonerate her under the letter of the law.

The press release says the foundation was given the money June 13. The alleged bribery, according to the complaint that was released Sept. 4, took place on or between June 5-13.

In a statement, Swanson has said she did nothing “intentionally” wrong.

However, it was Swanson who initiated the transaction.

DiMatteo and those who have been on the receiving end of DiMatteo’s generosity have publicly stated at multiple City Council meetings how he has given money to multiple organizations and individuals in town.

DiMatteo as owner of City of Angels 2 was before the City Council multiple times either advocating for his industry or seeking votes from the council related specifically to his now shuttered business. Swanson has always been a strong advocate for medical marijuana, having a family member who she has told Lake Tahoe News is not ill who has a card to get the drug-medicine.

Swanson did not return a phone call.



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Comments (31)
  1. Local Yokle says - Posted: September 10, 2012

    Honestly, what is your issue?

    You call Angela Swanson disgraced and yet no charges have been brought? How is she disgraced? By being accused of wrong doing? Why not just paint a scarlet letter on her and be done with it!

    I would assume the Ed Foundation is like most small fund raising organizations does not do a background check on every donor or they would have no money to donate. Yes, the city may have not done their part but that is consistent with our City Leaders… not doing their jobs.

    The only fact you bring is that the City MAY not have done a background check. Unless you have more facts this belongs in the opinion section.

    Please get it straight and stop this witch hunt. Lake Tahoe News has the potential to be the primary news source for our town but not with this kind of reporting.

    My Two Cents!
    -Local Yokle

  2. Bob Dobelena says - Posted: September 10, 2012

    I think Lake Tahoe News needs to send its “reporters” (I use the term loosely) to a basic class in Journalism. This “article” and headline wouldn’t even be acceptable to the National Enquirer or Star.

  3. Bob Dobelena says - Posted: September 10, 2012

    Stay tuned for the next edition of Lake Tahoe News, when their ace reporter asks city officials the burning question “Are you still beating your spouse? Yes or no answers only!”

  4. Parker says - Posted: September 10, 2012

    While in and of itself, a cash donation like that is certainly not a crime. But it certainly should’ve raised a few flags! As in, if not red flags, a very dark orange set of flags!

  5. Mike Thompson says - Posted: September 10, 2012

    Regardless of the donors background any contribution to a charitable organization should be accepted graciously.
    A crime would be giving some favorable consideration because of the donation, has that been suggested?

    The only crime I see here is that a person is considered a criminal because of something related to marijuana (That is criminal)

  6. Really? says - Posted: September 10, 2012

    The potential crime is how Swanson voted on matters’ concerning DiMatteo based on an organization she is board member of receiving a donation. That is the alleged bribe. It has nothing to do with marijuana.

  7. Anne Dyson says - Posted: September 10, 2012

    Thank you for not being afraid to write the facts as presented. People sure want to hate the messenger more than the people and organizations involved. How sad.

  8. orale says - Posted: September 10, 2012

    $1,100.00 ? They are making this big of a deal over $1,100.00?

    Oh please.

  9. Local Yokle says - Posted: September 10, 2012


    The issue is implied guilt before any judgement or evidence has been presented. To call someone “disgraced” when no charges have even been filed is the disgrace. To imply a person is a “known felon” without proof that those concerned knew as much is a disgrace. To imply that a person selling marijuana is automatically a criminal is a disgrace.

    I appreciate Lake Tahoe News reporting as we have so few even attempting to do so in this very small town. That said, I also appreciate sticking to the known facts…
    -A donation was made to the Lake Tahoe Education Foundation and confirmed by letter (not illegal)
    -A suggestion that more money may have been involved with a possible unconfirmed bribe through a City Council Member (possible bribery)
    -The supposed person offering the bribe is rumored to be a person who ran a pot dispensary who had reason to gain favor (motive)
    -There are reports that the person doing the bribe was wearing a wire while working with law enforcement
    -The Lake Tahoe Education Foundation and others chose not to speak to Lake Tahoe News (not illegal)

    Beyond this information all else are implications which are out of place without further evidence. These ‘articles’ have implied much more than this. These ‘articles’ are on the very edge of slander for many of the people involved and have no place in any publication.

    I hope that these allegations prove wrong but they may well be. If they are than certainly expose the facts when they are available. In the mean time do us all a favor and stick to the facts.

    Keep this a respectable publication
    -Local Yokle

  10. Local Yokle says - Posted: September 10, 2012

    It seems a common theme on these articles… If Lake Tahoe News contacts you and you refuse to answer questions you will therefore be found guilty and blasted in their local publication.

    What a shame.
    -Local Yokle

  11. Parker says - Posted: September 10, 2012

    And in case people are unaware, there can be a lot of profit taking from a ‘non-profit’! Many times, even if a charity has the ‘non-profit’ label, people are pulling down salaries, or will charge all kinds of expenses to a ‘non-profit’. But you still ‘donations’ to keep the ‘non-profit’ going!

  12. Mike Thompson says - Posted: September 10, 2012

    This Article did cause me too look up the

    “Founded in 1989, the Lake Tahoe Educational Foundation has dedicated itself to excellence in education by helping to support the educational programs and needs of the Lake Tahoe Unified School District in South Lake Tahoe, California. The Foundation is a public, non-profit organization run by a 27 member volunteer board with no overhead administrative costs.”

  13. Dogula says - Posted: September 10, 2012

    Politicians, even at the local level, need to be very careful of the slightest appearance of impropriety. This doesn’t pass the smell test, regardless of how highly the people in question are regarded by others.

  14. Bob says - Posted: September 10, 2012

    I would think the real story is following up on why City Council did not know they were issuing a business license to a convicted felon.

  15. Anne Dyson says - Posted: September 10, 2012


    The problem with all criminal stories is that the whole story is never known until trial; if then. I trust LTN to print the facts as given. That’s the problem, the facts trickle in. So, the choice we have is the facts being reported as they come out or no reporting. I still don’t think the messenger should be taking the beating.

    I agree with Bob, why did the city give a license to a felon.

    I applaud LTN for asking for the documents. Shame on the city for not providing them.

  16. Bob Dobelena says - Posted: September 10, 2012

    This article is a textbook example of Yellow Journalism. Discraceful.

  17. Really? says - Posted: September 10, 2012

    Why do you read LTN? Where is the yellow journalism? What is not factual?

  18. Bob Dobelena says - Posted: September 10, 2012

    Read Jensen’s piece in today’s Tribune and compare to Reed’s. His is objective and matter of fact. No wild conclusions drawn. Reeds is biased (consider her use of the word “disgraced”, sensational headline, lots of innuendo, borderline slander (as another commenter pointed out). Very unprofessional and amateurish. Not a factual presentation, but a very opinionated one with the author drawing unfounded conclusions.

  19. Really? says - Posted: September 10, 2012


    Now you are the one making wild accusations. Prove where the innuendo and borderline slander is. And the Tribune never would have covered the LTEF angle if not served up a press release.

    And the headline is factual. Do you even live here and know this town?

    I’m sticking with LTN.

  20. Upper Truckee says - Posted: September 10, 2012

    Directly copied from the media coverage above:

    > We also told you there were rumors the councilwoman was telling people around town she got him to give the money to the group. <

  21. thing fish says - Posted: September 10, 2012

    We all have bigger issues with felons to deal with, this is distracting from a much greater problem.
    The financial system, insurance, bankers, arms dealers with political ties, etc.
    Some of them have done more harm to humanity than even the largest drug dealers.
    Start prosecuting people who have cost the global economy trillions and I will start to take this justice system seriously.
    And on this eve of 9/11, know that US soldiers are guarding poppy fields, I think harvest season is fast approaching.
    And i’m still waiting on those WMD’s.

  22. Lou Pierini says - Posted: September 11, 2012

    Local and dobe, You think OJ was a victim of implied guilt? You think Gino was clean and straight for the years after his felony conviction? Common sence prevails, if not explain why. Not gulity doen not mean innocent. Just the facts and real names. Lou Pierini

  23. Biggerpicture says - Posted: September 11, 2012

    Lou, being in the pawn business how many possibly convicted felons (or those that regularly engage in activities that would garner a felony conviction if ever arrested) have YOU done business with? I would think AT LEAST a few.

  24. Lou Pierini says - Posted: September 11, 2012

    Maybe all. The % was about the same when I worked at the casinos or grocery store,some stay straight some turn out like Gino, so what? Watch Pawn Stars.

  25. Biggerpicture says - Posted: September 11, 2012

    Good answer!

  26. Local Yokle says - Posted: September 11, 2012


    Again, the issue is baseless accusations and outright name calling. Tell us why Angela is “disgraced”, show us proof that anyone at the Education Foundation did anything illegal by accepting a donation (even from a “known” felon), who knew he was a known felon.

    To compare this silliness to decapitation over even to Trupp is ridiculous. All I am asking is to stick to the facts and not imply an outcome to gain readership and advertising.

    Local Yokle

  27. earl zitts says - Posted: September 11, 2012

    Seems like following the tradition established by politicians thousands of years ago. Bribery in the quise of contributions is very much alive and well today in corporate and union America, not to mention individuals who grease the hands of politicos who can then return the favor.

  28. superwownow! says - Posted: September 11, 2012

    Swanson is a pawn! Looks like you don’t even need pot to get publicly stoned in Tahoe. Sad daze.

  29. pine tree says - Posted: September 12, 2012

    Any non-profit dealing with children should not take cash in a bag from a pot shop for a donation and look the other way. Angela was also asked to keep the pot shops away from our schools but she did not. City of Angles was located down the street from an elementary school, and she had been on the school board. Her priorities are obviously pot over clean healthy kids. Her spearheaded measure G school bond baby is supposed to attract families to our community because of our schools. Than Angela becomes a city council member and allows more pot shops in our city than Oakland has. What is she thinking or smoking, it is like mixing oil and water? Should the Sober Grad Night Board also also accept donations from pot shops and expect the kids to stay sober? The Ed Foundation board set an example that drug money isn’t all bad as long as it goes to a good cause? Does the Ed Foundation not consider that students can read the news? If the money generated by drugs is not bad for the Ed Foundation, than why should students be held accountable if a police dog sniffs drugs in their locker or car? Shame on all the board members that looked the other way and set a bad example for students. Give the dirty money back! It’s not worth it! Shame on Angela.

  30. pine tree says - Posted: September 26, 2012

    Shame on the ED foundation. Give the money BACK, Give the money back, Give the money back! You are setting a bad example for the kids. The “quiet message” the board is sending is dirty money is okay. Kids should earn money in any way shape or form! Ignore this and it will NOT go away board members, but your honest supporters will!!!