Opinion: Caltrans survey doesn’t include loop road and TTD not including Caltrans


To the community,

At 5pm on Sept. 19, the phone rang. I picked up. A pleasant female voice said she was conducting a survey for Caltrans in El Dorado County. I was skeptical. I said I don’t do surveys on the phone. I asked how did she get my phone number and street address. She said she didn’t know. I said goodbye.

After I hung up, I phoned the city manager and asked her if she knew Caltrans was conducting a phone survey in El Dorado County. She said, no. I said it seems strange. She seemed to agree.

Bill Crawford

On Sept. 20, I phoned the public information office for Caltrans. A female answered. I asked if Caltrans was conducting a survey in El Dorado County. She said, yes. I asked, what’s the purpose. She said, Caltrans was trying to get to know people’s driving habits, which would help Caltans in its future planning.

I asked, does this involve the loop road. She said, no. I said, if the loop road is built, wouldn’t that involved Caltrans planning. She said, Caltrans would have to approve the road. I said , you have been very helpful and hung up.

So, when will the Tahoe Transportation District seek Caltrans’ approval of the loop road? How much time, money, and energy will be spent before the powers that be (the city, etc.) call it quits? The TTD is another layer of nonsense that’s working for the private interest rather than the public interest. The TTD produces nothing but hot air. And it’s time that Councilmember Angela Swanson stops bending over backward for the TTD’s interest. It’s clear for whom she serves.

Bill Crawford, South Lake Tahoe



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This article was written by admin


Comments (7)
  1. 33 year local says - Posted: September 28, 2012

    Angela does not listen or even care about what the citizens of South Lake Tahoe want or what is good for our community. I’m sure she accepted campaign contribution money from TTD and or the special interest people who know who the loop road project will benefit. She is all that is wrong with politics today. I’ve never heard anyone talk so much and say so little. We should all be glad and better off when she’s gone !!!!!!

  2. Steven says - Posted: September 28, 2012

    I find it amazing that Bill was able get in contact with the city manager after 5 pm. He must have her home number.

  3. Boone6651 says - Posted: September 28, 2012

    Typical negative chatter – ‘THAT’S’ whats wrong with the system today…

  4. 4-mer-usmc says - Posted: September 28, 2012

    33 year local:

    I completely agree that Councilmember Swanson is not good for our community. After listening to her speak at the City Council’s meetings my impression is that she has her own belief of what she thinks is best for the City whether the community members agree or the other Councilmembers or City staff, and will go to whatever lengths she feels necessary to push through her own agenda. Close scrutiny of the September 18th City Council meeting, New Business Item (d) on the Harrison Avenue Project formation of an Assessment District provides a clear example of Councilmember Swanson’s attempt at controlling City business without receipt of such authority by the City Council.

    The outcomes of matters on which Councilmember Swanson has been involved from their inception in the past 18-months are just now surfacing and I believe her actions are self-serving and tainted. I object to Councilmember Swanson participating with Councilmember Davis on discussions regarding the potential merger of the South Lake Tahoe Fire Department with the Lake Valley Fire Protection District and recommend that she be removed from that subcommittee. I would further recommend that Councilmember Davis exercise extreme caution in his dealings with Councilmember Swanson on that matter should she not be removed.

    Councilmember Swanson’s obvious involvement in the Harrison Avenue Project property owner financing debacle coupled with her TTD participation and the accusations related to the defunct City of Angels II Medical Marijuana Dispensary lead me to a conclusion that it would be best for our community if Councilmembers Cole, Davis, Fortier and Grego request that Councilmember Swanson resign from the City Council so that her seat could be filled by someone in the upcoming election. Councilmember Swanson is what’s wrong with politics today and I question her ethics and integrity.

  5. lou pierini says - Posted: September 28, 2012

    Right on Bill. On target again. Lou 40 year voter

  6. Carl Hasty says - Posted: October 2, 2012

    To clarify misperceptions expressed in the opinion piece, Caltrans is, and has been part of the Project Delivery Team (PDT) since 2008, and signed and approved the Project Study Report (PSR) in 2010. Caltrans is also a signatory to the cooperative agreement for the project along with the Tahoe Transportation District, CSLT, NDOT, El Dorado County, Douglas County, and TRPA.

    Carl Hasty
    District Manager
    Tahoe Transportation District

  7. lou pierini says - Posted: October 2, 2012

    Carl, You can say whatever you like, but Caltrans has not signed off on the loop road project you proposed. This seem like the full employment act for the TTD, nothing else. Oh, buy the way is the TTD going to start smog checks in the basin via the agreement with the Ca. DMV?