Opinion: Caltrans survey doesn’t include loop road and TTD not including Caltrans

To the community,

At 5pm on Sept. 19, the phone rang. I picked up. A pleasant female voice said she was conducting a survey for Caltrans in El Dorado County. I was skeptical. I said I don’t do surveys on the phone. I asked how did she get my phone number and street address. She said she didn’t know. I said goodbye.

After I hung up, I phoned the city manager and asked her if she knew Caltrans was conducting a phone survey in El Dorado County. She said, no. I said it seems strange. She seemed to agree.

Bill Crawford

On Sept. 20, I phoned the public information office for Caltrans. A female answered. I asked if Caltrans was conducting a survey in El Dorado County. She said, yes. I asked, what’s the purpose. She said, Caltrans was trying to get to know people’s driving habits, which would help Caltans in its future planning.

I asked, does this involve the loop road. She said, no. I said, if the loop road is built, wouldn’t that involved Caltrans planning. She said, Caltrans would have to approve the road. I said , you have been very helpful and hung up.

So, when will the Tahoe Transportation District seek Caltrans’ approval of the loop road? How much time, money, and energy will be spent before the powers that be (the city, etc.) call it quits? The TTD is another layer of nonsense that’s working for the private interest rather than the public interest. The TTD produces nothing but hot air. And it’s time that Councilmember Angela Swanson stops bending over backward for the TTD’s interest. It’s clear for whom she serves.

Bill Crawford, South Lake Tahoe