Opinion: S. Tahoe council could be filled with rookies

To the community,

It’s a grand mess the city of South Lake Tahoe is in. Actually, it’s more like a nightmare. The following could happen or will happen.

The mayor will leave the city without finishing her term. If charged with a crime and convicted, Angela Swanson will vacate her seat on the council. There will be an election in November and the two incumbents might be defeated. If the incumbents lose and the mayor and Swanson leave the council, then Tom Davis will be the lone man standing. Poor Tommy. By January, that’s when the mayor has said she will leave the city, Mayor Davis will be sitting with two new faces on the council and one empty seat for sure, maybe two if Ms. Swanson has to resign.

Bill Crawford

At that time the City Council will have to appoint to fill vacancies or call a special election. That’s not likely because it’s costly. So it is possible the city will be governed by a three-member council, at least for a while. Looks like a crazy sitcom-reality show scripted by a devilish trickster. So the audience should be prepared to hang onto their seats and not tune out, but tune in and enjoy the fun and laughs. No tears please.

Bill Crawford, South Lake Tahoe

PS: If an elected official is offered a bribe and does not report the offer, then the official can be charged with a crime. And as the playwright has said, “Fair play is a spectator sport.” And by the way, on Sept. 9, 1850, California was admitted to the Union as a free state. When I was a child it was state holiday. Times change.