S. Tahoe councilwoman implicated in bribery case


By Kathryn Reed

South Lake Tahoe City Councilwoman Angela Swanson is the public official Gino DiMatteo is accused of bribing.

“I have been advised by the El Dorado County District Attorney’s Office that I am involved in an investigation into the activities of Gino DiMatteo. I have cooperated with the district attorney’s investigation and I will continue to do everything I can to assist the investigation until the matter is concluded,” Swanson told Lake Tahoe News.

Angela Swanson

Swanson said the revelation that she could be part of this came as a “shock and affront” to her.

DiMatteo was arrested Aug. 31 at Bank of America in South Lake Tahoe on charges of felony possession of a controlled substance, possession of marijuana for sale, and bribing a public official.

The DA’s complaint has not been released, but could be on Sept. 4. Key to the charges is the word “attempted” is not used in relation to the bribery charge.

However, as of Sept. 3, Swanson has not been charged with any crime. She has retained an attorney.

Police officers and DA investigators were at the Swanson residence on Friday night, the same day they served search warrants at DiMatteo’s banking institution, his house and current business – Push Fitness.

Also arrested Friday was DiMatteo’s wife, Irene. She faces felony charges of possession of marijuana for sale, possession of concentrate cannabis, and conspiracy to commit a crime.

Both DiMatteos are still in jail.

District attorney’s officials and South Lake Tahoe officials remain mum about the case.

Swanson said she does not intend to step down from the City Council because she has done nothing wrong. She told Lake Tahoe News she would step aside from certain duties if she would be a controversial figure. Swanson also said she will not be involved in open or closed session discussions involving DiMatteo, medical marijuana or the current case she is party to. The council on Tuesday morning will be discussing DiMatteo’s claim against the city.

Swanson’s colleagues on the City Council are for the most part taking a backseat until more details come forward. Mayor Claire Fortier and Councilman Tom Davis had no comment.

Councilman Hal Cole told Lake Tahoe News, “This is probably the worst thing any official could be accused of. I just hope for the best.”

Councilman Bruce Grego said, “I don’t know whether she is a witness or what her position is in this. I have not talked to her.”

Former South Lake Tahoe City Manager Tony O’Rourke told Lake Tahoe News he last spoke with DiMatteo after the council decided to not allow him to move his medicinal marijuana shop. While he was not surprised by the arrest based on all the allegations swirling around the pot shops, he was surprised Swanson would be a target of an investigation.




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Comments (38)
  1. johnny says - Posted: September 3, 2012

    Who cares?

    Law enforcement does not have time to play these stupid games. Let us catch killers and rapists.

    Get a clue Tahoe!

  2. johnny says - Posted: September 3, 2012

    Must be an election year.

  3. Mandi Winnicki says - Posted: September 3, 2012

    I wish the city would put as my energy into bike trails, as they do into the pot shops. Seriously people who cares, pot shops are so passe anyway.

  4. Steve Kubby says - Posted: September 3, 2012

    No way would councilwoman Swanson ever accept a bribe.

    Granted, nobody has much sympathy for DiMatteo, especially since he opposes legalization and was a key player in getting the City Council to adopt a cultivation ordinance that seriously violates the rights of bona fide cannabis patients.

    However, it is worth noting that when police have a good case they go out and arrest the suspect immediately. When they don’t have a good case, they wait to arrest the subject AND his wife on the Friday before a three day holiday. By the time they are eligible for their first court hearing the wife is ready for a divorce and the poor husband is told he can make it all go away if he just takes a plea.

    Judging only from what little information is available, I’m willing to bet the Ms. Swanson is completely innocent and this case has serious flaws. Regardless of the serious allegations, everyone involved must be presumed innocent until proven guilty, in a court of law, beyond any reasonable doubt.

  5. Jonathan Moore says - Posted: September 3, 2012

    I think the use, or not use, of the word “attempted” is the issue we must wait for clarification on. Keep us posted Kae.

  6. Satori says - Posted: September 3, 2012

    If the word “attempted” is the one needing clarification, that might be one of the flaws Mr. Kubby refers to, as then the question becomes whether Ms. Swanson was forthright in alerting anyone – her colleagues, the City Attorney, the Police Chief, etc.

    Mr. Kubby is right also about ‘entering the meat grinder’, that of “hyping the charges” to then take a plea, any plea, rather than admit prosecutorial fault, or any fault of investigators – which could easily be the case here.

    It happens all the time for those less prominent. . .

  7. Dogula says - Posted: September 3, 2012

    Just legalize it.
    As to the possibility of a city council person being bribed, the only thing shocking about it is that so many people are shocked. I don’t know whether Ms. Swanson is guilty or innocent. I only know that it happens ALL the time, and the best cons are usually very well liked. I hope she’s innocent. But let the system work it out.

  8. Steve Kubby says - Posted: September 3, 2012

    Ms. Swanson’s reputation has been irreversibly smeared by these allegations, even though she has not been arrested or even charged. Why this information was released while an investigation is still ongoing is difficult to understand. Despite all the confusion and uncertainty, one thing seems clear, our local justice system has already failed Ms. Swanson.

  9. Jim Smith says - Posted: September 3, 2012

    I want to know just what a bona-fide Cannabis patient is ? is it the guy who goes to the Doctor and says I am dying of cancer and the chemo makes me sick, or is it the punk a** who broke his arm snowboarding becasue he was stoned and NOW needs a card to get his pot? the whole system is flawed. I have growers 200 feet from my house where my nine year old has to smell that stink, AND there is NOTHING i can do about it because the El Dorado Sheriff says
    “they are 215 er’s” It is still illegal to grow and sell drugs…it’s a FEDERAL LAW…get rid of this crap..get it out of our city and away from our kids…also a new group is being formed…The Citzens Alliance Aganist Drug Growers and Dealers..if they can grow then CAADGD might start stopping them.

  10. itsme says - Posted: September 3, 2012

    Why dont all you stop beating a dead horse and realize that this is not associated with medical marijuana or its patients. The fact that you think that a plant is soooo bad is testiment to what ignorant sheep you are! Get off your high horse and do some research instead of going along with whats spoon fed to you

  11. thing fish says - Posted: September 4, 2012

    Right Jim, because prohibition has been so successful.
    Leave a note to who ever you think is being stinky. It will go away.

  12. K says - Posted: September 4, 2012

    How does one obtain information about the Citzens Alliance Against Drug Growers and Dealers? LOVE to be a part of that group!!!

  13. localgirl says - Posted: September 4, 2012

    jim, the medical marijuana “patients” are the ones who need handicapped parking spaces so they can go snowboarding at heavenly. they’re the ones who have chronic back pain at age 19 but still go snowboarding. unfortunately the 215 doctors are not restricting this to the terminal patients who could really benefit from it.

  14. Red Dog says - Posted: September 4, 2012

    same person forced to resign from school board for same kind of problems? And here we go again.

  15. 30yrlocal says - Posted: September 4, 2012

    Angela, you have my support during what must be a very trying time. I respect you and what you’ve done for our community. The funding you got for the high school is amazing!

    I hope everyone stops and waits until the real story and facts are presented and don’t make flippant statements that aren’t based on anything by hearsay.

  16. istme says - Posted: September 4, 2012

    Jim. So if mmj wasnt around to ***** about what else would it be? Because you have a kid you must walk on water too rt. You sound like a miserable person that is fueled by opinions and fiction. And your committe sounds like a waste of time. Laws are laws and rights are rights. If you wanto involve the feds, what about the little amendment that says the fed shall not impose on states rts to adopt and enforce its own laws. Scary to think that a group of ignorant people are gathering to go on a witch hunt for people that are ABIDING by the law. Just because u dont like it isnt enough. See what you think of the fed when our world begins to unfold. See what u think of the plant when pharmacuticals are no longer available. People clse to me have died because of what there “pain management” dr. Gave them. Tons of pills. Wheres your committe for them? If your nieghbor didnt pick up his dog poop or cooked strange food would you form a committee for that too? Ridiculous

  17. John says - Posted: September 4, 2012

    itsme, why dont you do some research. Post a link on here to some peer reviewed research that shows marijuana is benign particularly to short term memory and cognitive ability. After you get done with that I will put up a dozen journal articles that praise particularly wine for health.

    Most of the medical marijana shops are proving, just like Patient to Patient, that Scalia was right. A plant in someones backyard does inevitably lead to interstate commerce. That sir, invites in the feds. Pot heads have brought this all on themselves.

  18. Dogula says - Posted: September 4, 2012

    istme, that’s not quite what the 10th Amendment says. But I’m not too surprised you don’t know that, since you don’t seem to be sure even WHICH Amendment you were referencing.
    They make these real cool little books which include the entire Constitution and Bill of Rights and it’s so small it fits right in your pocket. You should get one. Because there are a vast number of both Federal and State laws that are in direct violation of those documents and it’s fun to actually have the proof in your pocket.

  19. 4-mer-usmc says - Posted: September 4, 2012

    Touché Dogula! In my experience I’ve noted that the uninformed are often wrong, but they’re never uncertain!

  20. Tahoe Parent says - Posted: September 4, 2012

    I thought it was odd that the Council approved the move of the collective to the old Lorraine bakery building against the advice of the City attorney, a decision which was later reversed. But why the council would approve the move when the City attorney advised against it is something that troubles me. I see that Angela is being singled out here but it might be wise to investigate all of the council members who voted in favor of the move. If memory serves me I think only Grego voted against it.

  21. sunriser2 says - Posted: September 4, 2012

    Sounds like the police want to take attention away from the HEROIN EPODEMIC.

  22. TeaTotal says - Posted: September 4, 2012

    I agree that istme may not be a constitutional expert in making his/her arguments but I hope everyone knows that being lectured on the subject by the lunatic fringe 10thers that carry around their pocket size “cool little books” to spout their overwhelmingly dismissed state rights nonsense is ludicrous at best.

  23. Dogula says - Posted: September 4, 2012

    Gee, Totalled, I’ve been called a lot of things here, but I think you’re the first to call me a 10ther. But suggesting that just because you think that’s what I am, then I can’t possibly know ANYTHING is “ludicrous at best”.
    Even a broken clock is right twice a day.

  24. thing fish says - Posted: September 4, 2012

    No one suggested that you ‘can’t know anything’. Although that is very existential….
    anyway, ‘putting words in people’s mouths’ isn’t helping.

  25. Bob says - Posted: September 4, 2012

    According to the Trib, Swanson remarked, I have not done anything to intentionally betray that trust. There’s something about the word intentionally I find newsworthy.

  26. ferdinand says - Posted: September 4, 2012

    Whether she is guilty or not, I Don’t know. I do know that the City of South Lake Tahoe has a criminal past. Does anyone remember “Operation Deep Snow”. Where the Mayor was sent to prison for 9 years for a large scale drug and money laundering ring. And a really nice city employee was involved in taking money for favors. (I guess you could call that bribery). We will find out soon enough!

  27. superwownow! says - Posted: September 4, 2012

    There is so much to consider in these events. If we as a city accept Swanson is the only one doing shady things we are dumb and blind. There is a huge heroin problem and these dealers and users are next level. I would like to see some effort on the part of local law enforcement and the citizens of South lake to start bringing these people down. I would also like to see the media bringing more attention to the reality that it needs to be a primary focus. Leave pot alone.

  28. itsme says - Posted: September 4, 2012

    Whether or not I dictate the words to u in exactness is your concern shows that your stuck up there on your horse. I know an understand my rights I dont need a pocket book to feel good about myself. To compare wine to mmj is like apples n oranges. Both are beneficial in their own way. Just another example of your high n mighty closeminds.

  29. HangsUpsFromWayBack says - Posted: September 4, 2012

    Temptation got everyone by the yang’s.

    Just another typical day at the Lake before winter rolls in,enjoy it while it lasts.

  30. snoheather says - Posted: September 4, 2012

    I agree with Bob. There is something uneasy about her statement and the inclusion of the word intentionally. There is a lot more to this story than any of us know and I’m sure more people in positions of power are involved.

  31. Concerned says - Posted: September 4, 2012

    Smells like dog poop, most likely is dog poop, no surprise from our corrupt city council. Dissolve the city now. Who is paying for her attorney?

  32. superwownow! says - Posted: September 4, 2012

    Just read the latest. What is a “large amount” . Thanks for reporting.

  33. Bill Swim says - Posted: September 5, 2012

    DUM da DUM DUM….DUM da DUM DUM DUM DAAAAAaaaaa!!!! Whoa DRAGNET!!!

  34. sandsconnect says - Posted: September 6, 2012

    I liked the article about Bread & Broth better.

  35. joe says - Posted: September 7, 2012

    we need to drug test every council member , city employees,i liked the post . on the powers that be , keep this town drenched in illegal aliens , no dl needed , who do u think is brining in the heroin? its not the white controlled growing business

  36. Aaron says - Posted: September 11, 2012

    “As to the possibility of a city council person being bribed, the only thing shocking about it is that so many people are shocked. I don’t know whether Ms. Swanson is guilty or innocent. I only know that it happens ALL the time, and the best cons are usually very well liked. I hope she’s innocent. But let the system work it out.”

    The best cons are indeed usually well liked in this town. Always has been the case. This town is corrupt, always has been the case. This town operates on spite. Piss off the wrong people, and they’ll get you back one way or another. Always has been the case. That’s how SLT rolls. Always has been the case.

    I personally would love to see her found guilty of wrong doings. I would love to see the curtain come crashing down on all of them. Why? I have my reasons.

    The City has chosen to hide some truths and make issues of others. They hide what they don’t want the public to know and they hide their affiliations with very evil minded people too. If it makes them look bad or has the potential to expose their unethical behaviors, they hide it and make strange, calculated statements. No shocker there.

    I don’t personally know Ms. Swanson. I do know what she ignored and helped hide from the City. Based on my own personal views of her and the entire council, I am enjoying all this bad publicity, and as I said, I hope this helps to unveil their bad politics.

    Karma really does have a way of coming back to biting those in the ass and I am smiling from ear to ear.

  37. sparrow says - Posted: September 13, 2012

    I think it is about time that not only city counsel but our judical system be looked at by Federal Government. South Lake Tahoe has been linked to several current fraud actions. I certainly do not know the particulars but I know with my own experience with El Dorado County, they tend to protect their own rather then risk embarrassment. This should be tried outside of South Lake Tahoe.

  38. Aaron says - Posted: September 17, 2012

    Sparrow. I think you are on target. There’s some bad politics taking place and they get away with it because they’ve been able to. Time to call in the big dogs and get an investigation. Their aggressive policies towards the elderly and disabled regarding carports should be looked at by the ACLU and the ADA. Under the direction of these people, residents are under seige and it’s really becoming a communist community.