S. Tahoe woman remains behind bars after DUI arrest involving cyclist
Christine Whalen, the South Lake Tahoe woman accused of severely injuring a cyclist while driving under the influence, remains behind bars.
The 53-year-old was being held at the El Dorado County jail in Tahoe on $203,000 bail.
She faces charges of driving under the influence resulting in bodily injury, hit and run involving bodily injury, evading a police officer and property damage.
Her next court appearance is scheduled for Oct. 4.
Whalen was driving on Highway 89 near 12th Street in South Lake Tahoe on Aug. 21 when her vehicle struck Adam Rose, 38, of South Lake Tahoe. Rose was on his bicycle.
This is a letter Rose’s mother sent to Lake Tahoe News that gives details about his recovery since being released from the hospital.
— Lake Tahoe News staff report