Story about dad wins 2 tickets to Giants game

Congratulations to “Kathy” for winning the two tickets to Saturday’s San Francisco Giants game.

She wrote, “Hi, I would love to see the game, As I am a California Resident, My father was going to take me to a Game ,but got sick, and passes away, I never went and would love to see a real live game in person, as I never had the chance to see one in person, I would be so thrilled, its one thing that is on my bucket list, Thank you.”

We are sure your dad will be with you in spirit.

Dress warm — it’s a 6pm game.

For those who didn’t win, thank you for participating. And if she doesn’t respond to our email, we’ll have to find someone else who really wants to go!

Lake Tahoe News will have some sort of give-away in the future. Everyone who is part of the NEWS Team is in the running for these freebies. All you have to do is fill out theĀ paid subscriber form to be part of the team.