Then and now: Tahoe Keys transforms section of South Shore


This is the Tahoe Key sign in 1963. Notice the lack of trees and houses. Photos/Bill Kingman

What the entrance to the Keys looks like in 2012.

It wasn’t always called Tahoe Keys Boulevard.

This well known street in South Lake Tahoe was originally known as First Street.

The photos represent what the entrance to the housing development looked like in 1963 and 2012.

— Bill Kingman


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Comments (16)
  1. old long skiis says - Posted: September 16, 2012

    When I was a kid my Dad got the family to pile into the car and head on out to see this new development called Tahoe Keys.
    We drove out on these dirt levees, unpaved, no trees, no houses and the water was real muddy and smelled bad.
    As my Dad was turning our Chevy Impala around at a dead end he said “Who in the hell would want to live out here?” Good one Dad!
    I’m not a big fan of the keys. I think it was much better as a wetlands area as it worked as a natural filter for the lake.
    Thanks for the pictures Bill, Old Long Skiis

  2. X LOCAL says - Posted: September 16, 2012

    Tahoe Key’s Blvd. Was not the first street in South Lake Tahoe.
    I’ve lived here since 1945 and Tahoe Key’s was not even a dream.
    I’ve Duck Hunted and fished and spent many day’s of my youth playing with friends in the meadow when it wasn’t doing it’s intended job of filtering the water that flows into the Lake.
    I’m sure that “Old Long Skis” and I know each other but we use different pen names.
    Bill Kingman sends some very nice pictures and we like them, Thanks Bill

  3. 30yrlocal says - Posted: September 16, 2012

    Cool to see this old picture. I wasn’t around then and had no clue what it once looked like.

    Lakeview Avenue was once part of the old main route through South Lake Tahoe (before the town) and lead to the town of Rowlands in 1850s. Early roads in Bijou Pines too. Perhaps Tahoe Keys Blvd was the first road created by the new city which formed in 1965?

  4. Bill Kingman says - Posted: September 16, 2012

    Tahoe Keys Blvd formerly was First Street.

  5. an the TRPA is cool with it says - Posted: September 16, 2012

    The Tahoe Keys are a travesty. Bring back the meadow that once was..

  6. Dogula says - Posted: September 16, 2012

    So many people seem to want the Keys to magically be turned back into a meadow or a wetland. Ain’t gonna happen.
    Aside from the private property rights of the people who live there, someone would have to come up with the money to purchase all the property, then there would be all the property tax dollars that the city and the state would lose if all those homes went away. And all the jobs of all the people who work for the Keys and for the people who own those houses, vacation rentals or full time residences. They provide JOBS for a good segment of the population of this town.

    Some environmentalists are totally out of touch with reality.

  7. Cesspit says - Posted: September 16, 2012

    The land should have never been sold in the first place.

  8. Kay Henderson says - Posted: September 16, 2012

    Old Long Skiis didn’t say that Tahoe Keys Boulevard was the first street on the South Shore or in what is now Tahoe Keys Boulevard, but rather that this street was NAMED First Street (think 5th Street, 10th Street, etc.)

    I enjoyed the picture. My late father-in-law took some aerial photos of The Keys early on as well. As my husband has been digitizing the slide collection, we have found these photos very interesting.

  9. tornado says - Posted: September 16, 2012

    Thanks Dogula, my thoughts exactly. I live in the keys and love it. Whenever I get a response from someone who doesn’t like the keys it is usually “I’m sorry you live in the keys”.
    I tell them to get over it. It happened a long time ago and everyone knows it wouldn’t happen today. As I was walking near Pope Beach one day, I struck up a conversation with a lady who lived on Jamison Beach dr. When she found out I lived in the keys, it was that same typical comment. I felt like asking her if she ever thought what the indians thought of her and her house that was built on their property. Being environmentally conscious is a very good thing and I am, but just because I live in the Keys doesn’t mean I want to trash the place.

  10. Les Wright says - Posted: September 16, 2012

    To 30year local,

    Can you share where I can read about the old road and the town of Rowlands and see a map of the extented Lakeview Ave”

    I am for building a boardwalk from the end of Lakeview and across the meadow and hooking up to the Marina. That boardwalk if ever built would do so much for this town. Giving our citizens maybe 3/4 of a mile of lakeview access.

    We have been discussing this concept in the Parks and Rec Commission meetings off and on for several years. The Conservancy owns the land.

  11. old long skiis says - Posted: September 16, 2012

    Mr. Wright,
    The boardwalk idea sounds pretty cool!I would like to see that happen if it was done correctly in a low impact sort of way so as not to damage the meadow.
    I’d also like to apologize to any LTN readers that live in the keys. I know of no one living out there now that had anyhing to do with the development in the early 60’s and I have no axe to grind with any of the current residents. What’s done is done.
    Dogula I agree that area will never be turned back into a wetlands…too much $$$ and it would be a HUGE undertaking.
    Take Care ,Old Long Skiis
    P.s. X Local, I can be reached at

  12. 30yrlocal says - Posted: September 16, 2012

    Les: there was an Al Tahoe walking tour map at the Museum that you could buy for $5 but they are all out (needed a new one since I gave mine away). The Historical Society is putting a new one together with updates for next spring. Got my hands on a new copy now though. They have all of those books at the entrance to the museum that I wonder if there is anyone on Rowlands. (They are only open on saturdays now from 11-3)

    That is a great idea Les…I was just down by that meadow today! Could make it historical with Rowlands and the Lake House that were at the end (Mark Twain was even a hotel guest at the Lake House).

    Let me know if you’d like to read what I have.

  13. Steve says - Posted: September 16, 2012

    Old Long Skis: Where do you keep your boat?

    Fess up. Now.

  14. Bill Kingman says - Posted: September 16, 2012

    Note: at the pictured entrance to Tahoe Keys, its name changes to Ala Wai Blvd.

  15. old long skiis says - Posted: September 16, 2012

    Okay Steve, I’ll admit it! I rent a dock at Tahoe Keys and have for many years. I’m Busted!
    I’m going to Ski Run Marina to hopefully meet with the owner of the place that I worked at 50 years ago and look into renting a slip for next year but from his website it looks like only rental boats are there.
    My options are limited. My 1983 Chevy half ton is not strong enough to trailer my Bayliner in and out. I ain’t about to put my boat on a buoy…no way! I wish we had more dock space and boat ramps on So. Shore as long as they’re constructed in a way that doesn’t harm the lakes clarity.
    Maybe more about the keys later, Old Long Skiis