TRPA accepting Best in Basin nominations

The nomination period is open for the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency’s 2012 Best in the Basin awards program.

The program recognizes environmentally compatible projects in the Lake Tahoe Basin that stand out as the best designed, planned and implemented.

The nomination period ends Oct. 12. The categories are:

· new residential

· residential modification

· rebuild projects

· new commercial

· commercial modification

· commercial rebuild

· shorezone

· green building

· public service

· erosion control

· restoration

· BMP retrofit

· defensible space

· forest fuel reduction

· mixed-use project

· green remodel.

To qualify, projects must have been complete or near completion in the 2012 calendar year and before the close of the nomination period.

Here is an entry form.

Winners will be selected by a panel of area professionals in the fields of architecture, landscaping, planning, engineering, and resource management.

Winners will be honored by the TRPA Governing Board in January.