Federal loan enables Kirkwood to have reliable power source

A $50 million guaranteed loan from the federal government to Kirkwood Meadows Public Utility District will help ensure the mountain community and ski resort have more reliable power.

KMPUD in 2011 acquired Mountain Utilities, which had supplied the power to this resort area. KMPUD is separate from the ski resort, but supplies the electricity and water.

“Funds will be used to build or improve 40 miles of distribution and transmission line and make other system improvements. The loan guarantee includes $200,000 in smart grid projects,” U.S. Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack said in a statement.

Kirkwood residents and businesses have long had trouble with keeping the lights on and paying reasonable rates because the enclave has been off the grid. Diesel generators power the community now.

What the loan will do is allow KMPUD to build and operate a 34.5-kilovolt power line that ties into PG&E lines.

Neither Michael Sharp, general manager of KMPUD, nor Casey Blann, general manager of the ski resort, returned calls.

 — Lake Tahoe News staff report