Giants — World Champions! Published: October 28, 2012 By: admin, In: Outdoor & Sports, 2 Comments Giants fans send a message during Game 2 in San Francisco. Photo/Kathryn Reed San Francisco Giants — World Series champs! They won Sunday night in the 10th inning — 4-3. It was a four-game sweep.
Dumbluck says - Posted: October 29, 2012 Quite a nailbiter Sunday. Now, with two titles in three years, after a fifty-five year void, can you spell “Dynasty?”
30yrlocal says - Posted: October 29, 2012 Very exciting times for a lifelong Giants fan like myself. Congratulations Giants!
Quite a nailbiter Sunday. Now, with two titles in three years, after a fifty-five year void, can you spell “Dynasty?”
Very exciting times for a lifelong Giants fan like myself. Congratulations Giants!