LTCC board cuts number of meetings in half

Lake Tahoe Community College is changing its board meeting to once a month.

The board will meet the second Tuesday of the month. Special study sessions or workshops will be on the fourth Tuesday if needed. This will be done a six-month trial basis.

“Most business items each month should be able to be addressed in the one meeting and it will be more efficient and save staff time to prepare and disseminate the agendas and packets for the one meeting instead of two,” board President Molly Blann told Lake Tahoe News.

One board meeting a month also reduces the number of other meetings associated with it. This also means less staff time devoted to meetings.

“We are doing this because we are experiencing budget reductions and we are trying to streamline our operations to accommodate reduced staff,” LTCC President Kindred Murillo told Lake Tahoe News. “Some of our streamlining initiatives are one board meeting a month, electronic board packages, and focused study sessions on topics where the board can really have good discussion about students, learning, and educational initiatives.”

There is a strategic planning session Oct. 12 from 8:30am-1pm in the board room. There are likely to be no other LTCC board meetings this month.

— Lake Tahoe News staff report